Part 43 - One Step at a Time

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It's been over two weeks since I was named CFO, I can't say it's going smoothly but I'm starting to make sense of most of the ongoing projects I have to manage. Thank God for the lovely assistants and employees that are also working on these and giving me their help.

Since today I'm taking the lead for a presentation I decided to dress a bit more fancy than the other days. I wore the golden ring Tony bought me on my birthday since it's matching my dress perfectly.

I'm in my office working on the presentation that's about to happen in around half an hour. Pepper knocks on my door and I gladly welcome her in.

"How's everything going?" she asks nicely.

"I don't want to sound too optimistic but think I've got this" I smile.

"I know you do, you've worked hard on this the past two weeks" she smiles at me.

"Will you be in the meeting?" I ask.

"Unfortunately no, I have another one to attend to. But I think Tony's joining yours"

"Tony? He didn't say anything"

"Maybe it should have been a surprise, I'm sorry" she apologizes.

"No, it's fine, don't worry" I hold her shoulder.

"Oh my God, what is this?" she sounds so excited while pointing at my ring.

"It's from Tony" I blush thinking about it.

"Are you engaged!?" her mouth widens.

"Oh, no, not at all. It's just a harmless gift"

"Honey, this is worth a thousand times more than a harmless gift. Are you sure you're not engaged?" she chuckles.

"I mean, he didn't say he was proposing and I never said yes so I must be right" I reply casually.

"Although, he didn't say he wasn't proposing either..." I add.

"Okay, you know best. Have a nice meeting" she hugs me and leaves.

My head was previously full of thoughts about the meeting. I had this to worry about. But now I'm thinking about the ring. What if I am engaged? Nonsense. I can't be. He said it was just a gift. Before I know it the anxiety takes over and I run to the bathroom to throw up. It's been going on a lot lately, my transition to CFO is causing me so much stress.

"Love, are you okay?" Tony suddenly appears behind me in the bathroom.

He finds me brushing my teeth, wanting to get that awful taste off my mouth. All these hours everyday here made me bring a toothbrush and I've never been more thankful for it.

"No" I shake my head, almost crying in front of the mirror.

"Why? You practiced so much, you even said you're optimistic" he hugs me carefully from behind.

"It's not just that. Now I'm worrying about that, too" I show him the ring on my finger.

"I think it looks lovely but you can take it off if you think it's not matching the outfit" he replies calmly.

"It's not about the outfit" I sigh and turn to face him.

"What is it then? You don't like it at all? I thought you liked it" he sounds sad.

"No, baby, I love it. It's just...Pepper saw it and asked me if it' know" I struggle with my words.


"Tony....are we engaged?" I realize how stupid my question is as soon as I ask it.

"Not to my knowledge" he chuckles.

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