Part 65 - Bed All Day

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It's this time of the month again. And no, I'm not talking about my period. I'm talking about the morning that both me and Tony are in bed and don't have to leave rushing to be somewhere. It's rare, maybe not even a monthly event, but it's so relaxing and soothing when it happens that we don't complain about how rare it is.

"You're awake already?" is the first thing I say.

It's an obvious question since he's sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard and he's watching TV on mute to not wake me up. He knows just as well as I do that if he wakes up and leaves the bed he's not coming back.

"Yes, I've been up for a while" he replies.

"Didn't you come to bed at like 6 in the morning?" I crease my eyebrows trying to understand how he still woke up earlier than me.

"I got 4 hours of sleep" he smiles at me and brings his hand on my head to caress my hair.

"I'll never understand how you function with only so much sleep" I shake my head against my pillow.

"Coffee and alcohol" he simply says.

"I could never" I exhale and move closer to him.

I rest my head on his shoulder, wrap my arm around his chest and place my leg on top of his, feeling utterly relaxed. His hand immediately holds me by my thigh nicely and he places a kiss on the top of my head.

"Can we stay in bed all day? I'm so tired" I say and hug him tighter.

"Sure" he agrees easier than I expected.

"You're agreeing just like that?" I ask with obvious confusion.

"Is it that hard to believe?" he chuckles.

"Yes, kind of. I expected you to say that you have to go to the lab or that you have to meet with someone or fight someone, I don't know" I shrug.

"Honey, we're getting married in a couple of weeks. If I can't take a day off when you need me then I'm doing something wrong" he explains softly.

"As long as you don't ask me to do that in the middle of a crisis of course" he chuckles.

"This is like one of the sweetest things you've ever told me" I smile uncontrollably against his body.

He smiles and kisses my head again, this time for a longer time. Then a few moments of silence follow where we both look at the TV even though it's on mute and we laugh about it soon after.

"So if we don't leave the bed how are we supposed to eat breakfast?" he asks.

"Since when do you even eat breakfast? I thought you only drink a coffee" I answer with a question.

"Well, I don't. But you do so it's important right now" he replies.

"If you can control your suits to take fights on the other side of the world then I'm sure you can control them to make breakfast" I chuckle.

"I can't even make breakfast on my own, do you expect me to control the suits to do so? Best case scenario I'll set the whole house on fire" he chuckles too.

"Sometimes you just don't make any sense" I laugh.

"I know" he agrees.

"What if I control them?" I ask seriously.

"You can't" he replies casually.

"I knew you were too sweet to be true this morning" I shake my head.

"I'm not saying you're not capable enough, they're just programmed to listen to me" he hugs me tigher.

"Okay, I choose to believe that you're not lying" I tickle him and he jumps underneath me.

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