Part 47 - Damaged

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It's the second night in the cabin. Tony yesterday didn't fight but he located Quentin so tomorrow he's going to fight him again. I'm actually so scared, I don't like how personal this is getting and Tony hasn't been resting at all.

A sharp noise wakes me up and I check the bed only to find out Tony's not here. I swear he was here when I fell asleep. I turn on the lights and see him on the floor struggling with his breath.

"Tony!" I scream and jump next to him.

"I-I-I can't-" he says in between breaths.

"It's going to be alright" I help him to get up and sit with me on the bed.

"Just breathe...listen to my voice....1...2...3" I start counting to help him catch his breath.

"I saw...I saw you..." he seems better but he's still struggling.

"Shhh, you'll tell me everything later. Focus on your breathing now" I hold him by his cheeks.

"Kiss me" he gasps.

I lean in and claim his lips immediately. We kiss slowly for a few seconds until he's feeling better and then we part our lips. He's visually and physically breathing better now after our kiss. He's still breathing fast but it's nothing like before. He's sitting at the edge of the bed trying to come back to his senses.

"What happened, baby?" I ask and hug his body

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"What happened, baby?" I ask and hug his body.

"I closed my eyes for a second and it came back. The image of you dying because of me. I can't let it happen again" he says panicked.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here, you haven't lost me" I hug him tighter.

"He showed me...with his projectors...he showed me an hologram of you dying" Tony says and breathes heavily.

I sigh and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair as he holds me tightly by my back.

"Those are fake, you know that. You're keeping me safe here, I'm not going to get hurt" I say quietly.

"He's targeting you because of me" he starts blaming himself.

"Stop it, Tony. I'm so happy and safe around you. Beck being out of his mind and threatening me isn't your fault" I kiss the side of his head.

"I have to go back to work, I need to make improvements" he says standing back up.

"No, absolutely not. You need to rest" I pull him back down by his hand.

"Baby, I love you so much. I can't sleep until I know you're safe" he sighs.

"If you're going to fight him tomorrow then you should at least get some hours of sleep" I make him lie down.

"If I fail-" he says.

"You're not going to fail, let's get some rest together" I lie down next to him.

He finally agrees and wraps his arms around me. I turn to face him and make him turn his back on me so that I can be the one being the big spoon. I know he needs some comfort now and I need to do the best I possibly can. He definitely fell asleep again and I did the same, without forgetting to place some kisses on his back.

When I woke up he wasn't in the room anymore. Of course I find him downstairs working on his suit and he really seems calmer than last night. I kiss his cheek and sit next to him as he makes some changes.

"Good morning" I say kindly.

"Good morning, baby" he replies without looking at me.

"How's it going?" I ask about his work.

"Everything's ready for later" he assures me.

I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast because I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything. I go back to him with some food and he thanks me kindly. He kept working for the next hours until he had a plan all set up and his suit was ready.

He gave me a passionate kiss before he left and I stayed at the cabin nervously for the next hours. I kept checking my phone and the news repeatedly. JARVIS was informing me for any news about the fight and showing me footage.

My heart kept skipping a beat every time I saw him taking some beating but I was highly relieved every time he got back up. I didn't know about his whereabouts all the time and it kept driving me insane.

It was hours later when I heard the sound of his suit landing and I ran outside as fast as I could. The suit looked terrible, so damaged and out of power. Tony removed it and I felt a sharp stab in my heart immediately at the sight.

"OH MY GOD" I scream when I see his clothes full of blood.

"I'm...fine" he even struggles to say that.

His body collapses on mine and I very much struggle to drag him inside the cabin. He's barely conscious and I'm freaking out. I don't know how to stop him from bleeding or how to keep him conscious so I just rip his shirt apart and keep talking to him.

"JARVIS, call someone" I say loudly.

"Who should I call?" is the answer I get.

"I don't know! Try Natasha, she'll know what to do" I ramble.

JARVIS does as I say and calls Natasha. I can hear the call ringing and thankfully she picks up. I manage to explain what's going on and tell her to come over as soon as she can for help. She agrees instantly and hangs up, leaving me behind to keep Tony alive.

"" he says and starts coughing up blood.

"I love you, too, baby. Natasha is coming to help, stay with me" I reply.

I've wrapped some clothes around his open wounds and I'm also cleaning the blood he's coughing. I try to talk to him to keep him awake but time is passing by and Natasha is still not here.

"Zoe" he whispers when he sees me looking outside for any sign of her.

"Yes, baby? I'm right here with you" I squeeze his hand.

"If I don't make it..." he says and coughs again.

"I don't want to hear that, you'll make it and you'll tell me all about it" I shake my head in disbelief.

He takes a few seconds to catch his breath again and I see him having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

"Will...will you..." he gasps for air.

I look at him patiently and in agony. At least he's still awake even if he's struggling to speak. Natasha should be here any moment now.

"Right.." he coughs and looks down at his bloody clothes.

I look at his right pocket but there's nothing in it. I'm so confused and he's getting even worse.

"I can't find anything, hold on for a bit and Natasha will he here. Then you'll recover and tell me all about it" I caress his hair.

I think he wants to shake his head but he just ran out of energy. I ask more pressure of his open wounds, trying to keep them safer and stop the bleeding but all I'm accomplishing is making him groan in pain and his blood staining the couch. His eyes slowly start blinking and rolling back, the slight force he was asking while holding my hand is slowly getting lost and his breathing gets quieter.

"Tony! Talk to me, baby, don't give up" I start crying.

But no matter what I say or how hard I try to make him stay conscious it doesn't seem to work anymore. His eyes blink one more time and then they close completely, leaving me behind to cry more than I've ever cried before and scream louder than I ever thought I could.

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