Part 39 - Casual

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I wake up by Tony's soft kisses on the back of my neck and shoulders. His beard is scratching my skin now that it's longer and I twitch suddenly.

"Baby, you need to shave" I groan.

"I know, I'll get to it" he replies.

I turn over to face him and wrap my arms and legs around his whole body, making him laugh. Untrimmed beard or not, he's still extremely handsome. I relax under his touch and close my eyes as he caresses my back softly with his fingertips.

"I've ordered breakfast" he says and pecks my forehead.

"Great, you're an angel" I smile and hug him tighter.

"I'll go fix the beard, will you get the food when it's here?" he asks and I nod.

He disappears in the bathroom and moments later I hear some knocks on the door. I get up and wear Tony's shirt around my naked body. I happily get the food and tip the person well from Tony's wallet. He'd do the same if he was the one opening the door, I don't feel any guilt.

I set the food on the table and find Tony in the bathroom still trimming his beard carefully. I stand behind him and kiss his naked back repeatedly. I just can't get enough of it, especially when it flexes while he's moving his arms.

"Careful, we don't want you to mess up that goatee" I say smirking when he twitches to one of my kisses.

"That's never going to happen" he says proudly.

"I'll be waiting for you for breakfast" I say before leaving and he nods at me.

I take a seat on the table and go through my phone until he comes back. I can't say I'm particularly happy with what I see though. I come across some paparazzi pictures of me and Tony around Venice. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later but I still found myself sighing and getting annoyed by it.

"What's the matter?" Tony asks worried when he sees my face.

"Paparazzi pictures" I say and leave my phone aside.

"It took them long enough. We've been here for 5 days now" he chuckles and takes a seat as well.

"Still annoying" I say and take the first sip from my coffee.

'Don't let it get to you. We still have many days ahead of us to enjoy" he smiles kindly.

I nod and we continue the breakfast casually. Later that day we were enjoying a calm walk in the center of the city and trying to pose for some pictures together when a man noticed we were struggling. He kindly offered to take some pictures of us and of course we agreed.

I went back to him after posing with Tony to get my phone back and see the pictures and he waited with me to see if I liked them. We laughed together with some of the pictures that turned out blurry or shaky. His hand touched my arm during our conversation and that's when Tony ran out of patience and came to stand behind me.

"You look very pretty" the man compliments me and I smile.

"She does" Tony speaks before I can answer and wraps his arms around my body, pulling me close to him.

"I can take some more if you're not satisfied" he suggests kindly.

"No, thank you. We're very satisfied" Tony smiles and places a kiss on the side of my head.

We all smile at one another and the man leaves. I turn to look at Tony smiling very proudly and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You're so cute when you get jealous" I giggle and kiss him.

"I'm not jealous, why would I be jealous? Should I be jealous?" he asks quickly.

"Of course not, baby. You have no competition" I feed his ego and he smiles proudly.

"What do you want to do now?" he asks nicely.

"I could really use some ice cream" I say and he nods.

We walk around hand in hand and find a place to get some. We find a place to relax with a good view and I decide to tease him by licking my ice cream a bit more seductively than needed. I keep looking at him in the eyes and moving my tongue around it playfully until he realizes my intentions and smirks.

"Stop it" he says laughing.

"But I like it" I smirk and take it deeper in my mouth to suck it.

"I like what you're doing, too. That's the problem" he says quietly.

"Oh, you like how I lick my ice cream?" I ask innocently and run my tongue over it.

He stops walking and grabs me by my jaw to pull me in for a slow kiss.

"You know I have a very low self control. Wait until we get back and you can suck it all you want" he says against my lips.

"It will be over by the time we're back to the hotel" I say.

"I know, I'll give you something else instead" he smirks and lets go of my jaw.

We keep on walking with obvious smirks on our faces and thoughts on our minds. His arm is around my shoulders and mine is resting on the back pocket of his pants. I gotta feel that rich back side of his whenever I have the chance.

We spent the evening and afternoon downtown. He took us to a very fancy and delicious restaurant where I had one of the best meals ever. We only went back to the hotel for a bit to relax before going out for a few cocktails and dancing.

When we went back to the hotel he closed himself in the bathroom for a while and I could hear the familiar sounds of the Iron Man suit. It was a miracle that he didn't get to work for these 5 days, I'd be surprised if he lasted the whole trip without it.

"Hey, Iron Man, I can hear you. You don't have to hide in the bathroom" I say laughing.

"It's not what you think" he replies and makes me chuckle.

"I don't mind you working on your suits for a bit, don't worry" I reassure him.

"I'm not wo-nevermind" he says.

"What are you doing then?" I ask with curiosity.

"It's-it's-it's something you'll find out tomorrow" he stutters.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow's my birthday. He made me an Iron Man suit? I just say okay and shake my head. I'll find out tomorrow either way, no reason to worry about it too much.

He gets out of the bathroom soon later and finds me lying on the bed, waiting for him to join me to fall asleep. He joins me immediately and wraps himself around me perfectly.

"Happy birthday, my love" he says and kisses my neck since it's after midnight.

"Thank you, baby" I smile and turn around to kiss him, still between his arms.

I brush my hand against his chest and take a couple of seconds when I touch the arc reactor to imagine what plans he has in mind for it tomorrow. He smirks and kisses my forehead in his attempt to stay quiet about them.

"Back to 21 years of age difference I guess" I say.

"That's not the only thing that's 21" he replies, making me laugh.

"No, it's not" I say and kiss his lips.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

Sorry for the boring filler chapter, it had to happen😅 Hopefully I'll make it up with the next one.

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