Part 58 - Happy Anniversary

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Today's a very special day. It's our anniversary. Tony started the day with some very passionate slow sex. His kisses were softer than ever, he made me feel like I was dreaming even though I was awake. I really struggled to get out of bed but I do have to remain professional.

Although, even when we got out of bed, the morning was still amazing. I don't know how early he had someone to come over and make breakfast for us but the outcome was delicious and smelled heavenly. At least he realized he's not meant to cook and decided to give me this time with him in bed instead.

I went to work just like usual but I found little surprises from Tony every now and then. My favorite lunch waiting for me in the break room along with a glass of wine, my favorite snacks around the rooms I'm working at today, some flowers on my desk. I swear I heard some music playing from times to times and there's no doubt he had something to do with it.

Even though he made my life very enjoyable at work today, I still couldn't wait to get back home and meet him. All I want to do today is stay under the bed sheets with him, clothes off, music on. I know he's made some plans and I can't wait to find out, but honestly what I look more forward to is being in his arms.

"Happy anniversary, my love" he says nicely when he enters my office.

I can't believe my eyes. He's so good looking in his tux and bow tie. Of course this isn't the first time I see him dressed like this but the vibe and the sparkling look in his eyes are making him a hundred times more attractive.

"Happy anniversary, handsome" I say sweetly and we move close to each other.

I literally melt into his hug and he holds me tightly by my lower waist so that I don't fall. We enjoy a very soft and passionate kiss. His one hand left my back to hold my cheek carefully during it while my arms were hanging from his neck.

"What are the plans for tonight, boss?" I ask against his lips.

"First of all, a nice dinner. Just the two of us, no people around" he kisses me once.

"Then, I was thinking some drinks to celebrate" he kisses me again.

"And then we can have sex until the sun comes up" he kisses me one final time, with more lust this time.

"Sounds good to me" I smile widely.

"You look amazing, like always, but will you change into something else for me?" he asks deeply in my ear.

"When did I even say no to something like that?" I chuckle.

He took me by the hand to another room where my whole outfit was waiting for me. A deep green colored dress, very tight on my body and long. It's see through on the sides which means no panties for me tonight. There are also heels, earrings and a purse for me but there's no necklace, bracelet or any ring. It seems weird to me because he usually has at least two kinds of accessories for me.

"It's gorgeous, thank you, baby" I say after wearing everything.

"You look fantastic" he connects our lips and slowly parts them after a few seconds.

"I don't mean to judge your styling skills but do you think I could use another accessory for this part of the outfit?" I ask, showing my neck and hands.

"You most definitely could and it would look amazing" he takes my hand in his and places a kiss on the back of it.

"But I think the outfit should stay as it is. Although, you're the one in it, it's up to you" he continues nicely.

"I'll take your suggestion" I almost moan because of the way his lips satisfy my neck.

Turns out I did exactly what he said and kept my outfit as it was. Tony walked with me, holding me by my elbow, all the way towards his car and started driving quickly. Seriously, the way that he manages to drive so fast but still make me feel safe is so attractive.

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