Part 34 - Surprise Package

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I'm getting ready for work when I hear my doorbell, which is very shocking considering how early it is in the morning. I'm not waiting for anyone or anything and Tony has a key if he wants to visit. Or even more realistically he'd fly over here and land on the balcony.

I go to the door quietly and look through the peephole to see who it is. I easily recognize Luke so I sigh in relief and unlock the door before opening it for him. He's not empty handed, though, he's holding some things.

"Good morning" I say.

"Good morning, I hope I'm not waking you up" he replies.

"Not at all, I was just getting ready for work. What can I do for you?" my curiosity is detectable.

"The real question is what can I do for you" he chuckles and shows off the things he's holding.

"What are those?" I ask.

"A delivery guy brought them to my apartment by accident. They're meant for you" he says and brings his hands closer to me.

I grab them from him and I immediately blush when I see what I'm holding. The embarrassment is so real that I feel like I'm burning inside out.

"Quick question, are you really dating Tony Stark or am I tripping?" he sounds shocked.

"I am" I reply, heart still pounding, and leave the stuff somewhere where he can't see them anymore.

"Holy sh!t" he says loudly.

"I told you he's important" I giggle.

"I thought you were messing with me so that I wouldn't try to flirt with you" he laughs.

"Well, I wasn't. My boyfriend is very much real and important' I laugh with him.

"I knew you looked familiar" he shakes his head while looking at the floor.

"From paparazzi photos and news I mean" he explains.

"Yeah, I got it" I shake my head too.

"Under any other circumstances I'd probably still flirt a little since I find it very fun but there's no way I'm messing with Iron Man's girlfriend" he laughs.

"Totally understandable and, honestly, it's for the best" I smile widely.

"I'll see you around, Ms. Stark" he teases me.

"See you around, Mr. I don't know your last name" I laugh.

"Garfield" he says smiling.

"Really?" I doubt him.

"Yes" he nods.

"Okay, Mr. Garfield, have a nice day" I sat.

"You, too" he smiles.

"Oh, and sorry for the accident with the delivery" I quickly add.

"Don't worry about it" he chuckles and takes a step back.

We wave at each other and then I shut the door again. I'm finally able to exhale deeply and shake my embarrassment away. Tony's going to have some explaining to do when I find him, this was no accident.

I get to Stark Industries and as soon as I settle my things in my office I call Tony to see where he is. He tells me he's also here in the lab so I inform him I'm on my way to find him to have a talk. He says okay and after a few minutes I indeed arrive at the lab and find Tony and Bruce.

"Hello, gentlemen" I say with a smile.

"Hello, love" Tony replies.

"Good morning, Zoe" Bruce smiles at me.

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