Part 80 - Closure

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"Are you sure you've got this, Tony?" Steve asks, looking over Tony's shoulder.

"Contrary to popular belief, I know exacly what I'm doing" Tony says proudly.

"It's okay to ask for help if you need it" I caress his back softly.

"Guys, calm down, I can handle a barbecue" Tony says seriously.

"Of course you can. It's just the fact that you usually aren't as good at cooking as you are at other things" I say, hugging him from behind.

He turns to look at me with a very naughty smirk but he doesn't say what he's thinking. Either way, I'm very well aware of what he wants to say.

"I've been cooking for weeks now, you know how much better I am at this, right?" he asks for my approval.

"Yes, definitely" I smile.

Let's not mention loudly the terrible foods we had to try during his progress, or the nights we spent taking turns in the bathroom to throw up because of the poorly cooked food he made. What's important is that he truly got better at this and his cooking skills are now decent.

"Some of the guests are wondering how long until the food is ready" I tell him.

"Soon, alright? I'm just one man, I've only got two hands" he complains and flips the pieces of food around.

"Okay, I'll go set the tables" I say and he nods.

I look around for the kids that are playing together. It's Morgan with Clint's kids actually, they've been getting along nicely. Someone poking my sides and making me scream suddenly wakes me up from my daydream.

"You scared me!" I playfully hit Sophie's arm when I turn around to see her.

"You seemed zoned out" she laughs.

"I was just looking at the kids" I smile.

"They're all beautiful" she brushes my back nicely.

"I was just going inside to get some things for the tables" I say.

"I'll help you" she replies.

We go inside and we both grab the things that are needed. We find ourselves looking outside, where all the guests are having the best time ever. All of the Avengers, even the new ones, some people from Stark Industries, Pepper and Happy are here. They're all laughing and chatting, genuinely looking happy.

"How is retirement treating him?" Sophie asks.

"It's been weird, you know. I'm not used to him having so much free time and doing random activities like this" I chuckle.

"Like cooking?" she asks and we both giggle.

"Exactly" I nod.

"He got better at it" she comments.

"He's a genius, he only needs some time to be good at anything he tries" I say.

"I know you're happy he got out, but how is he?" she asks more seriously now.

"He hasn't been in the lab or in any Iron Man related activities in weeks. I know he misses it but he seems really happier like this. He spends most of his time with Morgan and also shows her around Stark Industries. They visit all the time when I work, it's just great" I smile widely.

"I'm so happy for you" Sophie lights up.

We hug each other and then go outside again, setting the things on the tables again. Tony's done with the barbecue and is bringing the food here as well carefully.

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