Chapter 20

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Hey guys (: okay so a few shout outs before I jump into the chapter, but a little note; normally I put the links to the stories in with the titles, I'm not going to be doing that anymore, I'm putting the titles and authors though, so you should be able to find them(: if not, pm me or post it on my message board (:

Love Never Lies by louistommo22

Swing Life Away by Imperfectly_Perfect_

An Unforgettable Love Story by DESTRUCTIONofFATE

Bittersweet by uniquecomingthrough

Revenge With Love by Adeline93

My Heart Heard You by RunningWithJenks

Never Again by livietree

Kiss and Bolt by believe_again

Finally Falling by My_lil_irish_Niall


These are stories that fans and readers have asked me to promote. I'm sorry to say, but most of them haven't had the opportunity to read. I wish I could, but I just don't have the time guys /: so just because I post stories up here doesn't mean that I absolutely love them. I hope to get the opportunity to read them soon! But as of now I've only read one /:

I also wanted to say, I've officially been on wattpad for a year. This has been quite a journey for me. I've become reacquainted with one of my absolute best friends because of this site, and I've made so many other friends.

I grew in my love for one direction, and the directioners around the world.

And I got an amazing, loving, wonderful, watty family

I am proud to be a member of this family, you guys are absolutely incredible, and I wouldn't have come this far without you (:

Aaaaaaaaaaand finally. This chapter is dedicated to sarahpaynebby for her lovely supportive comments on 'Dance Again' (: she's really sweet, and I wanted to thank her

Okay, here's chapter 20, sorry it was such long wait D:


I barely made it on time to my art class. I honestly don't know HOW, but I did.

I know for certain that if I had stayed and waited for James to get dressed for school and stuff I never would have made it on time. I probably never would have made it to class... James was quite.. distracting with no clothes on.

"Thought you were gonna be late again." Jen joked as I dropped into my seat, out of breath from running down through the halls to get here.

I laughed, setting my bag down on the ground next to me before going up to my "cubby" to get my project.

Everybody else was working on a self portrait which had started off the previous year as a sketch, and now most of them were in the painting process. They were mostly finished with them, at this point they were just doing highlighting and other detailing. Art definitely wasn't my strong point.

But since it was too late for me to start this project on my own, I was just messing around with clay, trying to form a bowl. He said that I would be able to paint it and do whatever I wanted pretty much, as long as I got at least one bowl done by the end of the year.

He had cut my a large chunk of clay yesterday, and now I was just lumping it around, trying to get it soft enough to mould.

"So, who's clothes are those? Because they're definitely a little large for you. And they're guys clothes." Jen laughed, glancing over from her sketch at me.

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