Chapter 5

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I opened the door as quietly as I could, but of course, today was just my lucky day, and it squeaked loudly on its hinges. Almost immediately, my mother was in front of me, fury evident on her face. 


I rolled my eyes at her. Of course, the first thing she was worried about was that I didn't come home. She wasn't concerned that maybe something could have happened to me. No. It was always, Bella didn't listen. 

I mean, yeah. I didn't listen to her rules or whatever, but to her, there could have always been the possibility something had happened to me. 

"I was out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change." And with that, I pushed past her, running up the stairs two at a time before slamming my bedroom door as loudly as I could. 

I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw the little droplets falling onto the floor. 

Why the hell was I crying?! 

I never cried. I hated crying. 

Wiping my eyes hurriedly, I started to rummage through my dresser, looking for something to wear tonight, and then bringing to sleep over. I had decided on just a pair of black shorts, with a pair of sheer patterned tights, and just a simple pink scoop neck t-shirt. I was in the process of throwing my "stayover" stuff into a bag when I heard a knock on my door. 

"Go away!" I yelled, zipping up my bag. 

I was not in the mood for any more of my mom's bullshit tonight. 

As I was heading over to my vanity to fix my barely there makeup, I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening. I whirled around, about to tell my mom off, when I saw that it wasn't her standing in my doorway. It was Louis?

"What the hell are you doing in my room?! Why are you even in my house?!" I exclaimed, skittering back a few steps. I hadn't even seen him when I came in!

He took a deep breath, looking at me wearily. 

"I was visiting your dad. It's not just me here, the rest of the guys and girls and stuff are here." he said quietly. 

I looked at him warily. How the hell had I missed like 12 people in our house?! I mean, I get I had JUST gotten here, but it would have made sense for me to at least see their cars on the way in...although..I HAD been a little distracted...

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't want to talk to you Mr. Tomlinson?" I questioned, settling down in front of my vanity mirror, and pulling out my makeup case. 

I watched him in the mirror as he made his way from standing awkwardly in the doorway, to shuffling across the room to sit on my bed, next to where I was. He wouldn't meet my gaze, just...stared at his hands or his feet or the ground. I couldn't really tell. 

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