Chapter 31

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(A/N) Hello dears(: 

So, thank you for all of the votes and comments on the other chapter (: and for those on my other works. I love reading your comments! :D I wish I could respond to all of them, but I just don't have the time :( 

I've been doing more work on Dancing Styles; I hate that it's taking me so long to get this reworked, but I've just been uber busy. I'm going on vacation next week, I leave Sunday, I won't be able to update at all during the week but I'll have the entire trip to get some writing done, so I'm hoping to do that. 

Comment and vote and let me know what you think c: Only a FEW more chapters, it's coming to a close soon :(


Even though I had barely missed any school, adjusting back to my school schedule felt nearly impossible. Despite making tentative plans to meet up with James upon my arrival, I returned to the school, deposited my bags into my room and immediately went to sleep. The trip had taken a toll on both my body and mind.

I wanted to just stay in my bed forever, but the next morning my alarm went off, and I had to drag my body out of bed, sluggishly going through my morning routine to get ready. I didn't want to look completely awful on my first day back, so I set my hair into hot rollers while I did my makeup, just simple foundation with plenty of contouring (not too much though, didn't want to look trashy), and a simple smoky eye, with nude lips. The rollers sat for 15 minutes while I pulled on my uniform, neatly pressed and fitted against my body, accentuating my curves.

When I was fully dressed and my face painted back on, I finally took out the rollers, running my fingers through the soft waves now present in my hair.

"It'll do." I mumbled.

My throat was still constricted from sleep, and my voice was raw and scratchy, no surprise. I had time enough to make it down to the dining hall to grab a cup of tea before heading off to my first class.

I snagged my cross-body bag off of the ground, dropping my lipstick and some eyeliner in it that I would need for later, along with my wallet for my "breakfast".

As I made my way through the halls, they were slowly coming to life, girls exiting their rooms and following a similar morning routine to mine.

I received a few odd stares as I made my way down the hall, but I chose to focus my attention on my phone rather than the people around me.

James had texted me multiple times since my return, but he figured out pretty quickly I was sleeping, and told me he would see me for our dance practice tomorrow (today really). 

Tristan had texted me about five times, mostly just saying we needed to talk, which was true. We did need to talk. But I didn't know what to say to him. What COULD I say? 

When I was in the dining hall, I avoided everybody else, ordered a cup of peppermint tea, punching my student ID code into the little box thing to charge it to my meal account. 

I had about 15 minutes before my first class started, but I didn't feel like waiting around in the dining room, there were so many eyes on me. 

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