Chapter 15

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His lips attacked mine almost viciously, fingers latched in my hair, locking my body against his. My eyes widened in surprise, and I pushed gently against his chest, forcing him back, separating us.

James was.... Quite an amazing kisser but I wanted to know what was wrong more than I wanted to kiss him.

"You don't want to kiss me..?" he asked, confusion lacing his voice.

I turned my back to him, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead.

"James, I don't want to turn this into a habit." I said after a moment

"Turn what into a habit?" he asked, reaching for my arm and turning me gently around to face him.

I bit my lip.

"Nevermind.. It's not important." I mumbled, moving over to sit down on my bed.

James moved over to sit next to me, but I was careful to keep a bit of space between us.

"You never told me you were friends with Emma.." James says, trailing off at the end.

I looked down at my hands, playing with my freshly manicured nails.

"You never asked.." I responded. "You never told me she came over today." I retorted.

James sighed, exasperated.

"Yes, Emma came over. But we only talked for a couple minutes, and then she left. I promise.. What did she tell you happened..?"

I smiled a little at the urgency to clear his name he seemed to have. Maybe it was a good sign.

"She said you said lovely things about some girl to one of your mates. And that you were quite uninterested in her...advances. Must be a special girl if you could resist Emma." I joked.

A small smile formed on his face, and he reached over, turning my hand over in his, drawing something I couldn't see on my hand with his finger.

"Yeah? Did she tell you anything in particular?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"She asked me to help her figure out who it is. She believes she goes to school with you. She wants me to do some sleuthing while I'm there."

That earned me a laugh from James, who scooted over closer to me, still holding my hand. The closer he got, my heart started to speed up. He was just... So breath taking.

"Well.. She doesn't go to school with me. Not yet. But I see her all the time. Even though her parents don't like me."

I laughed at this.

"They must be crazy not to like you. Sooo who's the lucky girl? You could save me a lot of work if you just tell me." I informed him.

"Hmmm do you really want to know?" James questioned, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Well I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know!" I answered, nudging him back.

James leaned in closer, as if to say something in my ear, but when he was close enough, his head dipped lower, and he pressed a kiss right beneath my ear.

I fought back a gasp, genuinely surprised by that, I was expecting him to give me a name.

He reached up and grasped my chin, tipping my head up to look at him, our faces mere millimetres away, I could feel his breath fanning across my face.

"Her name is Isobele. Isobele Styles." he said softly before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

I smiled against his lips, sliding my hands up to around his neck, pulling him in closer.

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