Chapter 3

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I kept uncrossing and recrossing my legs and arms, staring uncomfortably out the window. We hadn't even left the restaurant yet; Louis was just....sitting there, hands gripping the steering wheel, staring straight ahead.  

"Can you actually drive or something..?! Because I have somewhere to go and if you don't get me home I'll take a taxi." I snapped, glaring at him.

He looked over at me, seeming genuinely surprised by my actions.  

"Why do you hate me so much?" he asked bluntly, ignoring my requests.  

I looked away from him, laughing slightly.  

"I never said i hated you -"  

"Bullshit." he interrupted me.  

Now it was my turn to be the shocked one.  

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at him.  

"My problem is that I have a girl here, who for 5 years was practically MY daughter. And now, she won't even acknowledge my existence. And I don't know what the hell happened. And I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on."

I laughed at that.  

"Screw that, and screw you. I don't have to say a damn thing." I snarled, reaching over to get out of the car when Louis grabbed my wrist, tightly. I hissed out in pain, it actually really hurt.  

"Shit I'm sorry..I just...Bella....I want to know what just...disappeared one day and nobody would tell me why...I just want to know..." he pleaded, his eyes searching mine desperately.

I narrowed my eyes at him.  

"You ruined my parents marriage because you're a selfish bastard. And now you're trying to do the same damn thing again. Don't even try it Louis. I won't let you do it again." I growled before exiting the car, slamming the door as hard as I could, before stomping off. I couldn't deal with this right now.


I made it home by 8:30, so not a lot of time to get ready. I swapped my white dress for a short cheetah print body con dress, and a pair of strappy red stilettos, my hair I left down, but slipped a hair band on my wrist just in case.

At the last moment I decided to swap my coral lipstick for a bright red one, like the kind my mother wore, mostly because it matched my outfit better.  

I heard my phone start to ring, so I finished up my final dab of lipstick before running to answer it.  

"Hey James! You here already?" I asked, slipping my shoes on, because I had left them by my bed while I got ready.  

"Yeah. I'm outside. You almost ready?"  

"I'm on my way out now." I said, smiling even though he couldn't see me.

Sure enough, I saw what I could safely assume was his car; a silver Porsche sitting in the driveway.  

"Hey" I said as I slid into the passenger seat, shooting him a grin.  

"Well hey there." he smiled at me before pulling out of the driveway.  

"So..where exactly are we heading..?" I asked, settling back against my seat.  

"It's a surprise." he smirked.  

"Ughhh screw you." I groaned, tipping my head back.

I was not the biggest fan of surprises.  

James laughed at me. 

"If you really want to babe." he threw a wink in at the end.  

It took my mind a moment to process what he had said but I rolled my eyes at him once I got it.  

"SOMEBODY'S mature." I grumbled, still smiling at him.

"I'm still older than you." he pointed up.  

I scrunched my nose up; thinking.  

"How old are you?"  

"19" he answered.  

Damn. I was almost 17. But still..  

"Just because youre older doesn't mean you're more mature." I countered.

"True. does mean legally I can drink." he smirked.  

I laughed at him.  

"Being the daughter of Harry Styles has its perks. Nobody cares if I drink."

James sat there, pondering over my words for a moment. 

"I bet I can drink more than you." he said as he was pulling up to our destination.  

I raised an eyebrow at him.  

"Oh really now? Well, we'll just see about that."

This was gonna be one interesting night.


It was like....3 in the morning. Needless to say, I think I had proved James wrong, that I could deeeefinitely drink more than he could.  

Right now, we were dancing. Well. I knew he was somewhere dancing. Some random guy was grinding on me; but I was beyond caring. I was wasted, and happy.

But in the middle of my dancing, I felt an arm slide around my waist, turning me around, pulling me away from whatever guy I was with.  

"hey..." I protested slightly, staggering along with the person, because it was a hell of a lot easier than trying to fight against them and falling.  

"You've got some.....pretty nice dance moves there Isobele." a husky voice rumbled in my ear.  

I knew that voice.  

"You haven't seen all my moves yet Mr. James." I murmured, shooting him a drunken smile. 

His fingers tipped my chin up to look at him, his eyes kind of glazed over, he was drunk. Definitely.

"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked, trailing his hands through my hair, pulling through the knots that were there. 

"Are you ABLE to get out of here?" I laughed. 

There was no way that he could drive. Or that I would even consider getting in a car with him right now. 

"I can call a cab and pick up the car later." he chuckled, leaning forward to kiss me gently. 

I liked the sound of that. 

(A/N) hey guys! Sorry bout that! Took me a couple days and it's short >_< I'm sorry!! Next upload on thursday or Friday.  


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