Chapter 4

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(A/N) Hey! So I know that I said that this story was all in Bella's POV, but I'm doing a couple paragraphs of this one in Harry's, nothing major, no drama on his part. Just...thought you'd like to know what's going on in his head (; I promise, if I use another characters POV, it's not gonna be all super dramatic, that's all for Bella's (: And now, ON WITH THE CHAPTER! :D


~*Harry's POV*~

I was watching Lucy out of the corner of my eyes as I drove. She was staring absenmindedly out the window, her eyes kind of just staring, but not at anything in particular. I refrained myself from sighing frustratedly. Something was different. So so different. And I didn't know how to feel about it. I still loved her so much, but she had changed. The way she talked to Bella, the way she acted so...uninterested lately. I just wished that I knew what happened. To her. To us.

A slight smile tugged at my lips as I remembered our wedding. The second one. All of our planning, the making sure she wanted this as much as I did. Dress shopping. Well. waiting for her as she dress shopped. She didn't want to wear her dress from the first wedding, because she said it was bad luck since it ended in divorce. Although I still had her dress. I remember our honeymoon. I remember Bella's first day of school, and Lucy crying because she didn't want her to go. I remember when we went to buy a new puppy because she was lonely at the house without Bella. I remember her excitement when she started to teach Bella dance. And now..they were just....tense.

But i was going to fix it.

I reached over and took her hand, pulling it up to my lips and kissing it softly. She looked over at me and a smile tugged at her lips, almost reaching her eyes.

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you too." she laughed, and the light and airy, and carefree sound made me smile.

It was nice to hear that, to hear her say she loved me.

~*Bella's POV*~

I woke up to the sound of a hand pounding against the door. "ISOBELE STYLES. GET UP. IT'S TIME FOR DANCE. NOW." my mom's voice yelled.

I groaned and started to roll over, but felt something holding me back. Looking over, memories of last night flashed through my mind and I groaned.

"Well good morning to you too." James chuckled, sitting up.

I laughed at little at that.

"Morning." I chuckled.

He reached over and pulled my face to his, kissing me softly.

"I'll call you later, alright? Sounds like you have to get ready." he laughed a little.

I rolled my eyes and slid out of bed, pulling a robe around myself.

"Just wait, I'll walk you out. Give me a minute." I told him.

I grabbed my dance clothes; which was just a pair of spandex shorts, and a hot pink sports bra, stepping into the bathroom to change, although, James had already seen everything didn't really matter.

I pulled the clothes on quickly, taking in my face in the mirror.

My face was flushed, hair a mess. But...despite that...I still looked...good. It was very surprising. I redid my hair into a high bun, and quickly ran mascara over my lashes, and brushed my teeth before stepping out to meet him.

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