Chapter 2

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"Isobele remember to be on your best behavior. This is the opportunity of a LIFETIME for you, and I don't want it going to waste because you were messing around with Niall or something." mum grumbled, pushing her glasses up higher onto her face.

Dad shot me an apologetic look in the mirror.

"What your mum means, is that it's just be a shame for them to misjudge you, because you're pretty close with your uncle. Don't worry princess. Everything will go perfectly."

I matched his smile with one of my own.

"Thanks daddy. So wait. What exactly is this meeting for anyway..? You weren't exactly clear..."

Mum sighed exasperatedly.

"Mr. Jackson owns a very prestigious dance academy. But to get in, helps to be close to the family. And he's arranged to meet you, and maybe...set up an audition. I think he's bringing his son. I'm not sure.." she mused.

I nodded, settling down into my seat. The rest of the ride was silent and awkward, all the other boys were in their own cars, while our "cute little family" was in our own car.

I could already see some paparazzi outside, not a lot; which was relieving. I hated all the cameras, and being watched all the time.

"Remember to smile." mum told me before plastering one of her own across her face and stepping out of the car.

'Here it goes' I thought miserably before I forced a non-fake looking smile on my face and stepped out of the car.

My dad at this time had walked around to my mum, and already had his arm snaked in through hers.

"Go in with Uncle Lou, alright? El went in without him."

I opened my mouth to argue but he had already turned and walked ahead.

And almost as soon as that happened I felt a hand on my back, very unfamiliar.

"Shall we go then love?" the Doncaster accent rang through my ears.

I rolled my eyes before glaring at him.

"the sooner the better Mr. Tomlinson." I growled before starting to stalk off.

Of course, being the person supposed to be escorting into the restaurant, he had to be a total...JERK and grab my arm and pulled me back next to him.

"Bella, I don't know...what your problem with me is, but I have done NOTHING to you...and this is going to be discussed after dinner, alright?" Louis growled in my ear.

I looked at him, totally shocked. Nobody had EVER spoken to me before. Ever.

"Y-yes Louis." I stammered before lowering my gaze to the ground and allowing myself to be led to the table.

"Ah, you must be Isobele." an older man, maybe in his 50's said, smiling at me.

I forced a smile onto my face.

"That I am. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Jackson." I said, reaching my hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine my dear." he smiled, clasping my hand between both of his. "Allow me to introduce you to my son, James." he said, motioning to a boy standing a few feet behind him, chatting to Eleanor.

The boy turned, and my breath caught in my throat. He was...absolutely stunning. He had piercing blue eyes, which were contrasted by black hair, that was obviously not dyed, you could tell by the slight auburn tinge to it.

"Hello Isobele, it's wonderful to meet you." he smiled, flashing two rows of perfectly straight white teeth.

"Pleasure." I stammered, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it gently.

He shot me a sly wink before turning his attention back to his conversation with Eleanor.


Our dinner went like most others I had been to; I remained mostly silent while my mum answered questions directed at me; to make sure that the answer was up to her standards. I picked my way through a salad, spending most of my time sipping my water, and occasionally making eye contact with James, who was seated on my right.

I was kind of dazing absentmindedly in front of me when I felt a pressure on my right upper leg.

So as not to draw attention, I slowly lowered my gaze down to see what it was; I saw James' hand resting there, but not like, in the creepy touchy-feely way. His phone was in his hand, a message displayed on tr screen, for me to read.

'Do you want to meet up later? Like...after this? Just us..? I could pick you up or something.'

I met his gaze and smiled slightly, nodding my head.

He kept his hand there, but reached over and typed something else.

'it's 7:30 now. I can pick you up at 9? Sound good? I know a really fun club.'

The grin was stretching wider on my face.

I carefully took the phone from him, his hand still resting on my leg and typed in

'sounds great, seeya then(;' along with my address.


At the end of the evening, we all said our goodbyes, James giving me another wink before mouthing 'see you at nine.'

We had exchanged numbers during the meal, being pretty sly about it; my mother wasnt too keen on me being....friendly with guys.

But apparently my "doting Uncle Louis" decided to watch me like a freaking hawk all night, and kept staring at me and James.

When we got out of the restaurant Harry stopped me in front of Louis' car.

"Your mum and I are going out for a bit, we're taking El with us, Lou forgot his phone at our house earlier, and offered to take you home. We'll see you tomorrow morning, alright princess?"

I nodded weakly, what else could I say? No I don't want to get in the car with the man I think your wife's cheating on you with? That wouldn't go over well..

"Night daddy." I said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

And then I reluctantly got into the front seat of Louis' Ferrari. This was going to undoubtedly be the most awkward car ride of my life.

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