Chapter 7

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~*Lucy's POV*~ 

I laid in my bed, just staring up at my ceiling. I felt unshed tears in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but not quite there. I could hear Bella and Harry talking downstairs, and defensive tone to Bella's voice, but I couldn't quite understand what they were saying. 


My little girl...

I didn't know her anymore. It was like she was a complete stranger to me. 

I didn't want things to be like this. Honestly..I didn't. But...when she started growing up. She just...made things difficult for me...

She always was so suspicious of me and Louis...even as a little kid. I mean, it started when she was like...8. She stopped calling him Uncle Lou, and just...wouldn't talk to him. It was terrible. Then when she was 10, she accused me of cheating on her father for the first time. 

Every November, around the time of the accident, me and Louis would fly out to America, to where we had buried Nolan. Well..where HE had buried Nolan. I had no idea why he didn't bring him back to England. I's not like we ever TALKED about what we would do if our child died...but...I kind of figured that we would bring him back home....

But after that....we couldn't go together anymore. It was terrible. We were just friends. I was honestly happy with Harry, and Louis was head over heels for Eleanor. But with Bella saying what she was saying, Harry started to get protective, and was just....always just right with me, holding me, touching me, kissing me. And I wasn't complaining. I didn't mind it. Really. I loved him. I really did. My feelings before had been confused before, but when I thought I had lost hurt so badly. 

But with Harry being like that, it was putting strain on me and Louis' relationship. 

Yes. Me and Louis were just friends at that point. But if you were in love with somebody, and you had to see them married to somebody else, and be with the two of them all the time, it was hard. I understood that. 

I faintly heard our bedroom door open and close, and next thing I know, Harry was laying beside me, propped up on his elbow, looking down at me. 

"Louis told her about Nolan. And..and everything.." he said in a low voice. 

I looked at him, bewildered. 

We had decided that it was best to keep the Nolan thing from Bella. She would just get emotional. And we figured it was best for her to just....not know. 

"Why...why would he do that...?" I stammered, sitting up. 

Harry sighed, shaking his head. 

"I don't know Lucy...I just...don't know anymore. I don't know what's going on with her. Or him. Or...or anybody at this. point. I don't know what to do..." 

I reached up and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into me. 

"We can get through this Harry. It's gonna be fine. Things are jsut rough, but they'll be okay." 

He just nodded into my neck, and just held me tightly. 

"She's stubborn. Like you." He murmured, stroking soft circles against the skin of my lower back. 

"That she is. But she's a cheeky little thing like her father." I teased, lightly running one of my hands through his curls. 

Harry laid back on the bed, pulling me down with him. 

"I love know that right?" he said softly. 

My head was resting on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating softly. 

"I love you too Harry." I murmured, leaning up to press my lips against his gently. 

~*Bella's POV*~ 

I flopped myself onto my bed, covering my head with a pillow. I felt so...numb. Hurt. I don't know. I didn't want to feel anything. I was so pissed off. They freaking lied to me. So much. It took a man I convinced myself that I hated to tell me the truth about everything. 

And my mom was a psychotic bitch. And my dad gave into everything she wanted. 

Family rocks dudes. 

I felt the need to cry. But I didn't know why. I mean, nothing bad had happened...right? Everything was fine? I mean. What teenage girl actually gets along with her parents. 

I sat up quickly. 

I was so tired of this. Moping around. I was never like this; never just...laid around upset because something pissed me off. 

I hopped off of my bed and threw off a pair of high heeled ankle boots and a black leather bomber jacket. I just threw my hair back up into a messy ponytail, swiping my fingers under my eyes for any smudged makeup. 

Sure, I would probably get into a lot of trouble, but it was totally worth it to just get out of the house. 

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, sending a quick text to James. 

"hey, you up for hanging out?" I texted. 

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