Chapter 9

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~*Bella's POV*~

"My dad said you got in." he mumbled softly, and sleepily. His head was resting on top of mine, his fingers dancing lightly on the exposed skin of my back.

I shifted in his arms, turning so I was facing him.

"Wait, I got in?!" I exclaimed, a grin spreading on my face.

"You got in." he smiled, leaning down to press a quick kiss to my lips.

I couldn't even explain how excited I was. Even though the school was right by my house, it was a boarding school. So no more mom. I'd be at a legitimate dance school with a real teacher with James. Because I had learned that he was a student there. I'd get to see him a lot more now.

We laid there in silence, him just holding me against him. Despite my thoughts of him earlier, I liked this. With him.

But there was one slight thought lurking in the back of my mind. Emma..

I pulled back from him, leaning on my elbow.

"I need to get going soon. My parents don't know I'm out and I have to get back before rehearsals." I said quietly.

James looked disappointed but managed to put a little smile on his face.

"Alright babe. My dad was going to call your family about meeting for a little 'celebratory dinner', he's really excited about having you in the school."

I leaned up and kissed him quickly before ducking out of the bed to fetch my clothes.

"Guess I'll be seeing you later then babe." he chuckled from the bed as I darted around, trying to locate my shirt.

"Mmph. Guess so." I said.

I couldn't find it, so I gave up and pulled one of his jumpers over my head.

"My dad is gonna call you guys around lunch time, just remember. Maybe I can take you out after?"

I bit my lip, fighting back a smile,. He was half leaning out of the bed, leaning closer to me, his voice still raspy from sleep. His hair was the cute sexy messy tousledness that I loved.

"Of course." I said softly, leaning in for one more kiss.

His lips moulded softly around mine, not soft soft like other girls' lips, but slightly chapped, and just...James.

He had a very distinct feel to him; rough but gentle, sweet yet bitter, although I have a feeling the bitterness was from his constant smoking, and the peppermints he ate to cover it up.

"Mmmmm I have to go." I sighed, pulling back slightly after a few minutes of heated kissing.

A slight pout formed on his lips but he kissed me quickly and chastely one more time, before giving me a slight pat on the bum.

"Alright, out you go!" he exclaimed, shooting me a wink as he stood up from his bed.

I giggled slightly and hurried out of his room, blowing a quick kiss back at him.


It was just after 4:30 in the morning when I pulled into the driveway. I crept out of my car, shivering as I bounded up the sidewalk, I was freezing, since I was only in a short pair of shorts and James' jumper.

The house was silent, and still.

No surprise. Mum wouldn't be up for another half hour for practices. I went quietly up the stairs, into my bedroom, diving right for my bathroom. Shower time. Maybe it would soften things over with my mother if I was ready and waiting for her for practice already warmed up.

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