Chapter 17

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The rest of my classes passed in a blur. As promised, James showed up after every class, waiting patiently at the door for me, charming smile on his face. I was getting inquisitive looks from the other students; I mean, I WAS starting partway through the second semester so I guess it was a little odd.  

It was FINALLY time for my dance class. I felt like the day had been dragging on and on.  

"Do you need to change?" James asked as we walked away from my history class.  

I had never been a fan of history, and the teacher was just godawful.  

"No James, I plan on dancing in my uniform." I teased, nudging him with my arm.  

He rolled his eyes at me, looking behind us to see if anybody was looking at us before pressing a quick kiss to my temple.  

"You're cute." he laughed, leading me towards the main staircase to take me up to my room.  

We had a decent amount of time between classes, about 15 minutes. I really didn't have to worry about being late.  

"So how exactly do you know where my room is? Are you stalking me?" I asked as he led me through the looming hallways, a smirk on my face.

He rolled his eyes again, something he seemed to do a lot in my presence.  

"You had better be appreciative of my stalking because without me you would never know how to get to your room!" he countered, a smirk similar to mine on his lips.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Damn him for being right. And cute, so so cute.

My room was at the end of a long hallway; the last door on the right side.  

"After you m'lady." James put on a very posh accent, holding the bedroom door for me.  

"Why thank you.'' I replied, taking in the sight of the room around me.

It was a nice sized room; not as large as the one I had at home but a nice, cozy size. There was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room.  

The walls were painted a deep red colour, at least two of them were the red, two of them were a soft cream colour. The bed was made of a dark wood, with a creamy coloured duvet, with red sheets and pillow covers matching the red colour of the wallet luggage was stacked in front of the bed.  

This room was just absolutely gorgeous. Across from the bed was a matching dresser, with a vanity mirror resting on top of it. 

"James, this room is gorgeous." I breathed, spinning around slowly to take it all in. 

He had a small smile on his face, watching me. 

"I'm glad you like it Bells." he told me in a hushed voice. 

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. 

This felt like it shouldn't be real. What had I done to deserve all of this? 

I just wished that I was able to tell Emma about James. If I told her now what was going on I couldn't picture her being that upset. 

I mean, she was by no means a slut. But if she got turned down by a guy, then she would shrug it off and move onto someone else. She had an adorably flirty personality and didn't want to let a guy ruin her teenage fun. 

"Come on now. Get your clothes. Wouldn't want to be late for your first day of dance class. That IS the whole reason you're here." James teased, stepping away from me and moving towards my suitcases, unzipping the largest one first. 

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