Chapter 27

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~*Lucy's POV*~ 

"Bella, you can't just abandon your classes like this. Especially so close to the end of the year.." I said quietly, reaching over and resting my hand over hers. 

This person in front of me; this wasn't my daughter. No, this teary eyed limp haired girl in front of me was the monster I had created over the past decade. 

I pushed her, scolded her, molding  her as I saw fit until she became what I thought I wanted. 

And now I was left with the empty shell of what my child could have been. 

I should have thought ahead. I should have known that this would all blow up one day. And now that it had, I didn't know how to handle it. Seeing this delicate girl in front of me, I was overwhelmed with shame. 

I did this to her. Not directly, but I put her on this destructive path, and now here we were. 

"Mom, I can make up all of the work. Please. It will be like, 3 days. I've already bought the tickets." 

This was quite true. 

When Louis showed up that evening, I was surprised and aconfused. Even more so when he said his reasoning for showing up unannounced was because Bella had requested his presence at our home. 

So now, here we were sat;  Harry, Louis and myself, listening to Bella's plan. 

"Bella dear, why don't you go upstairs so your mother, Louis and I can talk this over, alright?" Harry suggested "Why don't you go lay down. You look positively knackered." 

Well, "knackered" was putting it nicely. The girl looked dead on her feet. 

For a moment she looked like she was going to argue, but instead she just slowly got up before making her way to the stairs. 

When she was gone, I slumped over in my chair, resting my head on the table. 

Basically, Bella had crashed through our front door, proclaiming that she was going absolutely mental at school and needed a break. So she proposed that she, Louis and I take a trip to New York to see Nolan. 

At first I had been completely taken aback at the fact she knew his name, but then I remembered how useful google had been for me when I was her age, and she probably knew a hell of a lot more about my past than I was comfortable with her knowing. 

"I think it's a grand idea." Harry stated finally, clapping his hands together. 

Louis and I both looked at him incredulously, not sure if he was serious or not. 

"I mean it you two. I think you should go with her. Obviously something's gone wrong at the school to put her in such a state, and if she seems to think that visiting New York for a few days will help her, then by all means, go with her! She wouldn't be coming to you and asking if it wasn't vastly important to her." 

He was right, of course. There was no way in hell Bella would be practically begging Louis and myself to take her halfway across the world if everything was just peachy and wonderful. 

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