Chapter 25

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(A/N) Helloooo my darlings, nuggets, duckies, boopas, bbies, readers, whatever term of endearment appeals to your precious little ears(:

How are you guys?! I know it's been awhile since I posted (though not as long as the last time) And THANK YOU for being so patient. Really guys. It's really nice.

I was stressing last time because I was trying to work two jobs, but now, finally, I have only one job. I'm a subway sandwich artist (; I'm not currently working THAT many hours right now, So I get a little bit of relaxation, but my SAT's are this Saturday so wish me luck (: After these tests, I should be updating a bit more (no promises, so don't shoot me, I promise I won't forget you guys, but sometimes I have other priorities)

I am currently working on the next chapter for this, so as soon as I get that done, I'll post it (:

News guys. I'm getting an iPhone. Fiiiiiiinally (: I'm happy. I missed mine, and now I'm getting another<3 So I'll be more active on this site as well (: I'm toooooootally behind on answering messages on here, I haven't checked twitter in god knows how long, and I can't even remember the password to the facebook.

Needless to say I need to work on my organization skills, but we'll take it one step at a time.

Again, vote and comment please, it means the absolute world to me<3 check out my other stories if you get the chance too?(: I'm working on all of them now, I'm hoping to have a chapter up for each one in the next 2 weeks or so (: Happy reading, I hope you all are well, if you message me I'm hoping to answer it soon!

Oh. Another last note (I PROMISE). If you guys see that I'm online chat, and I don't answer I promise, I'm not ignoring you. I have a nasty habit of leaving my laptop signed into wattpad, and I never actually look at the page, so all these people think I'm online to talk, when really, I never see the notifications :( So sorry if that's been you, I answer everyone that IMs me or whatever the heck that thing is called.

Alright, I'm done rambling. Enjoy your chapter. Love you guys<3 ;xoxo


Chapter 25

My next weeks at school flew by. James and I were progressing every day on the project, I went home on the weekends to visit my parents, and I spent some afternoons getting coffee with Tristan. Our coffee excursions felt different than before though. They didn't feel as friendly.

I was seated now across from Tristan, a cup of iced tea in my hands, passing it back and forth between my palms,

“You're awfully quiet today.” Tristan teased, taking a sip of of his skinny vanilla latte on ice.

I shrugged, taking a small sip of the tea.

I wasn't really in a talkative mood. I continued to go out with Tristan, but it just felt like it was more of a required thing.

I didn't have to go out with him, and I knew that, but I felt like I kind of owed it to him. I think. I wasn't sure how to explain it.

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