C2: Surprise

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Lisa's POV

The day after the murder took place, all the employees got a call from the company telling them to stay home for the week and not to blabber about this incident to anyone. All of this just so they can cover this all up without tarnishing the company's reputation. Well, I don't really care what they do. I'm just happy that we have gotten a week off. This way, I can take my time and process all of this. I can also use this time to come up with a plan to get rid of my stalker.

I was glaring at my phone, which has been buzzing for a while and I pretty much had a guess of who that could be, but man, do I just want to ignore that poor excuse of a human.

I slowly reached for my phone in the drawer to see three messages from him.

Private number: "Good morning, beautiful."

Private number: "I know that you're awake."

Private number: "You better stop ignoring my messages if you know what's good for you."

Rolling my eyes at the message, I slowly got out of my bed. "Good morning to you too," I said halfheartedly.

"So what do you want so early in the morning?" I asked as I was slowly stretching every inch of my body.

Private number: "I'm bored and needed some entertainment. "

Bored? This person was bored? This person had killed 3 people less than 24 hours ago and he dares to have this carefree attitude as if what he did was just a game...

This person appalled me.

My face scrunched up in disgust and anger as I was staring at my phone.

Private number: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for waking you up because I was bored, okay? Just stop looking at me like that."

That's not the point.

"Whatever..." I exhaled in frustration.

Slowly my mind drifted off to Rosé, thinking how frightened and worried she was after witnessing that horrendous scene. Worried, I started to massage her, asking if she was okay and if she had arrived home safely last night.

Private number: "You better say nothing unnecessary to her."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the warning smart-a*s, 'cause I was about to tell her something that could get her killed." I was kind of in shock at how I could easily give him snarky remarks. I mean, he's my homicidal stalker for God's sake if anything, I should be scared of him. I should be shaking, crying, or anything else, but somehow I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. He better be ready, 'cause I will not let him walk all over me just like that without a fight.

Private number: "Ughh... I just love it when you give me the sass."

I could only grimace in response. Is he a masochist? "Are you a masochist? 'Cause then you're stalking at the wrong address."

Private number: "Lol, no, If anything I'm a pure sadist ;)"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then, why?"

Private number: "Because I love you, so I love everything about you, even your attitude. Just don't go too far with it, 'cause you won't enjoy seeing me mad."

Okay... So I know one thing for sure. He will not kill me soon or ever, because he "loves" me. I slightly shivered at the thought of it.

But he will kill someone close to me if I anger him. Isn't there a way that he can just leave them alone? Or even better...me?

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