C49: Run Kitten Run! Pt. 3

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Lisa's POV 

His eyes were bulging out of his skull- red rimming the iris, slowly spreading around and dyeing the white part completely. From the neck up to his face, his natural skin tint was slowly turning to blue as his oxygen supply got cut off. With the last bit of energy that was swirling in his body he lift shaking'ly his forearm up to encircle his hand around my shoulder to push me away, but I was not moving as his trembling hand lacked any strength and with a painful grunt he mustered out, "You..." before the light in his eyes diminished away. 

With a swift movement, I pulled out the crown, letting the blood that was clogged by it freely gush out- splattering my face and my dress under as I stared brazenly in his eyes that resembled the ones of a dead fish. His body swayed to the side; landing limply on the ground, letting the blood that refused to stop flowing turn the floor into a sea of blood. 

With the crown still in my grasp, I used my other arm to propel me off the ground. Half in a daze, I fixed my dress, using my hands to smooth the wrinkles down. They came to a prompt halt when I noticed I was creating a long red smudged trail on the skirt. 

Blinking obtuse, I muttered, "Huh?" and brought my hands closer to my face to inspect them, turning them around. My pupils shrunk into small dots and shook, viewing the palms that were painted in blood that turned sticky. 

As if waking up from a long nightmare just to be put in to a new one, I couldn't stop the turbulence that occurred in my body. My vision kept blurring and un-blurring as I hesitantly turned my head to stare down at the empty husk that was just a few seconds ago full of life. 

The feelings in my fingers got lost and the crown slide out of my hold, landing with a splash on the blood-soaked floor. Not being able to support my body weight from shock my legs gave out letting me slump down on the floor as I stared blankly at the dead body in front of me and when the information what had happened finally registered in my mind I had to cover my mouth with my hands to stifle down the angst filled scream. 

Tears threatened to come out as my mind got warred with utter confusion and guilt. "W-What happened?" My hands glide up the side of my face, weaving themselves up in my hair, clutching a handful of it- coating the strands with the red thick liquid as I felt my heart override the speed limit. Did I do this? I only remembered the man pushing me down and then I saw my stepdad and then everything became hazy; only the feeling of wanting to get rid of him was left, but I never meant to kill him... I... oh God. What have I done? 

I took a big gulp of air, closing my eyes before exhaling again. "No." I muttered to myself. Now is not the time to have a mental breakdown. I reminded myself as I opened my eyes into a pair of small cracks, peering down at the lifeless body before closing them shut again- letting my nose inhale the iron scented air before exhaling it out through my mouth. Repeating that action a few times with my eyes still closed, I said under my breath, "Okay." before opening my eyes; forcing back the nauseous feeling at the sight of the corpse and instead glanced around to room as I rose back up on my feet. 

I need to get out of this room before those misogyny pieces of craps will fill this room. But I can't just run out of the room. If this man made it all the way here, then it means that the others must be near too and I still don't have something to protect myself with. 

Cursing under my breath while nibbling on my thumb, I was anxiously pacing through the room mazing my brain around for any ideas, before my eyes landed on the gun that was resting inside the holster of its now dead owner who was lying on its side. 

My feet carried me towards the body until I stood in front of it, casting my eyes down at the side profile of it. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I grimaced as I viewed the horrified-stricken face of the masked man, as if he was frozen in time. Ripping my eyes away from his face, I aimed my focus back on the goal, his gun and crouched down on the floor, placing my hand shakily on the gun. 

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