C70: Pills

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Lisa's POV

"Great, now we will really arrive at work late." I groaned while staring at myself in the full-body mirror that was standing in the bedroom plastered against the wall as I fumbled clumsily with my hair, trying to tie it in a high ponytail. With arms folded in front of his chest, Jungkook was with his back perched against the wall next to me- wearing a smile that was adorned with tenderness ever since last night. 

As I finished tying up my hair, I took a minute to scrutinize my reflection over, only to have my face frown disapprovingly at the sight of my crooked ponytail. Exasperating, I yanked out my hair tie to have my before-confined hair fall loose like a waterfall down my back. 

At my frustrating form, Jungkook pushed himself away from the wall and sauntered with his long legs to stand behind me. As I was about to retry my attempt at tying my hair, Jungkook gently took the hair tie out of my hand. "Let me do it for you." He offered with a smile and I dropped my hands to my side as I watched in the mirror how Jungkook was seamlessly fixing my crooked hair. 

His hair was neatly brushed to the back, already dressed in a suit, while I was still only in my black nylon panty with a cream blouse over it. "You know that I am the boss, right? Who cares if we arrive there late?" Jungkook commented as he gathered all my hair strands in one hand. 

"I care." I said, closing my eyes as I inclined my head back slowly to lean into his touch. The gentle sensation of his fingers raking through my hair was something that I liked, but never will say, as it will only increase his ego. "I have missed too many working days, so I am sure that a decent amount of work has been piled up for me. And God all these meetings that I have to attend and... and... and..." At the thought of work, I talked excitedly incessantly, but the more I talked about it the more the heaviness in my heart grew and I felt my speech drawl to a halt. If somebody in the past would have told me I would ever miss going to work, I would have told them they were turning crazy. The number one cause for my sleepless nights before was work, but I don't know from which point on that has been exchanged with worrisome thoughts of whether I would wake up the next day blindfolded in some room or with a gutted stomach. 

Lassoing my hair for the last time before giving it a tug to secure it, Jungkook took a hold of my head to tilt it backward and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "What's wrong?" He inquired as he noticed my sudden silence. 

With a sigh, I turned around so that I could face him. "You know I may have been furious at you for deceiving me and using your power to get me hired by your company- wait no I am still mad," I scowled at him as I felt my anger rise again. "But," I continued with an exhale. "The company had taught me a lot of things over the years. I met new colleagues, and got even promoted a few times. I may complain about the unfair work policy and at how they slave us, nevertheless, I am thankful that the company hired me, a person with no diploma to their name. So, what I want to say is... thank you Jungkook ." I offered him a genuine smile to see him stiffen in place before he pulled me into a blistering kiss, wounding his arms around my waist before bringing his hand up to rest on my nape to further deepen the kiss. 

With my brows furrowed, I moaned against his lips as I was getting breathless from the kiss. Placing my hands against his chest, I gave it a slight push as I felt myself getting light-headed. He finally disconnected our kiss after giving my bottom lip a nib. Our heavy breaths mingled into one as our lips were only slightly apart from each other. 

"We should shift our wedding day to an earlier date." Jungkook voiced as he stared into my hooded gaze. 

"What?" I said absentmindedly, thinking that I must have misheard him, as I was still in a daze. 

Unwrapping his arms around me, Jungkook pulled out his phone from his pocket. Unlocking it, he opened his agenda. "How does next week sound?" He mused as he scrolled through it.

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