C58: Loose Ends Pt. 1

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Lisa's POV

"I know my face is such an eye-catching sight that it should belong to the museum for everyone to see, but I sure don't remember doing anything that deserves such an intense glare from you." Jungkook's eyes narrowed down at the piece of loaf that was resting in his hand as his other hand holding a butter knife went over it, spreading the vibrant red strawberry jam on it. 

There was already a piece of loaf spread with peanut butter on his plate, waiting for the other loaf to be placed on it, so that they could mush together- forming a coherent existence. Placing the jam spread bread on the peanut butter, the deep blue eyes shining with mirth met my glaring ones. 

My hands were on the table next to my plate of toast, firmly clenched as I glowered with pursed lips at Jungkook. "It must have slipped my mind to mention that insignificant detail." Exaggerating my mouth movements, I reiterated what Jungkook told Snake, answering her question whether Jungkook had told me about her gender- mimicking him in a high-pitch annoying tone. Raising my fists slightly up to slam them back on the table, the turbulence of it shaking the cups and plates present on it, I continued to lash out at the man who was nonchalantly cutting the bread into pieces. "That insignificant detail sure as hell was an important detail. How could you forget mentioning something like that to me-!" 

My rant was cut off by a piece of peanut butter & jelly bread being shoved in my mouth. The combination of those two melted into my mouth, pushing my anger down. Chewing on it, I kept my frown on as I stared at Jungkook. "Why did you shove your bread in my mouth?" I asked, trying to keep the harsh tone from wavering to a soft one. 

"Oh?" He sang, surprised. "I was sure that you wanted me to feed you with the way you were yapping your mouth like a cute chick asking her mother for food." Stabbing another piece of bread with a fork, he rose it up to my mouth. "Why are you so angry about it, anyway? I was sure that Snake left a poor impression on you after that whole let me choke you with my murder aura thing. I figured you wouldn't care if she would end up dead somewhere, even less about her gender." 

Taking another bite of the bread, I grumbled, mildly annoyed between my chewing, "Sorry for still having enough heart left to care." Unnoticed by me, a bit of jam smeared at the corner of my lips. Jungkook brought his hand up and cupped my chin to let his thumb wipe the jam that was like a sore thumb to his eyes away. I stilled in place and when he brought his thumb to his mouth to lick it off, I could feel my heart leap out of my chest at the simple gesture that somehow looked so sensual when he did it. 

A blush crept up my skin, and I stuttered, trying to ignore the wild beating of my heart. "B-Besides, it would explain her behavior towards me now that I know Snake is a girl." 

Jungkook raised his brows, curious about what I wanted to say. "She must have been really pissed off whenever she saw me with you. It's understandable when the guy that she lik-" In a swift movement my lips got sealed off by a thumb and index finger, pressing my lips into a thin line- withholding them from running off anymore. 

"Hmm!" I hummed, surprised, my eyes widening slightly. Jungkook shot me a glare, his fingers still pressing down on my lips. "Don't you even dare finish that horrifying sentence, for I have the feeling that it will give me an impending headache." He warned, annoyed. 

Finally releasing my lips, he brought his hand up to place it on his forehead and, exasperated with closed eyes as he shook his head, commenting, "How did your pretty head come up with that ridiculous thought kitten?" 

"It's not really a ridiculous thought when she almost choked me when I asked why a killer like her was working for you and let's not forget that a few minutes ago she wondered what you saw in a plain girl like me with a displeased tone." I elaborated. 

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