C51: She Spits Fire Pt. 2

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Lisa's POV

The mocking smiles on the men's faces faltered in an instant when they saw the torch in my other hand, that was held closely next to the deodorant spray. 

I stared, confused at them, blinking innocently at them as I tilted my head to the side. "Why aren't you guys laughing anymore? Hmm, I guess you all followed your science lessons pretty well." 

"You don't dare." Casper sneered warning-ly. 

Grinning cheerfully, I shrugged, the bottoms of my eyes smiling. "Oh well, you know what they say about redheads." I paused for my expression to morph into a pissed one, the vein in my temple ticking angrily. "We've got a short fuse." 

The moment I placed my thumb on the ignition button of the torch and my other thumb on the button of the deodorant spray, Jungkook rose and made a mad dash for me. Pressing down both of the buttons at the same time caused a chemical reaction that was akin to a dragon's fire breath, engulfing the surroundings in front of me in flame. 

While running, Jungkook hooked his arm around my waist, throwing me over his shoulder. I grunted when my stomach made an impact on his shoulder. Speeding off faster as if I was weightless, laughing like a crazed person, he yelled, "Keep firing, kitten!" 

No need to tell me that twice! Ignoring my body that kept on bouncing up and down from Jungkook's monstrous running speed with a steady arm, I kept on firing, letting my burning anger to never cease. 

Casper's yelling voice that became faint as the distance between us kept on increasing demanded his goons to go after us, but the men only cast wavering eyes at the burning flame that was charring everything down to ashes; refusing to go through there to suffer third-degree burns. 

In a matter of seconds, we were now standing in front of the door that led to the parking garage. Jungkook placed me down on the floor, my back facing the hellish fire. "Some of Casper's men will be behind this door. The moment I open the door go find Casper's car while I keep them busy." Jungkook instructed. 

Wait, what? Casper's car? I craned my head up, staring at Jungkook's side profile. "Why Casper's car? We don't even have his car keys." I raised my brow, giving him a questioning look. Jungkook's gaze met mine, twinkling with mischievousness before he pulled out what seems to be keys, dandling them in front of me as he grinned from ear to ear. "You mean these?" 

My jaw went slack. "How-" The smoke of the fire billowed in our direction, filling my airways with undesired fumes causing me to have a coughing fit. Jungkook's smile, together with the playfulness in his voice, fell away like a discarded cloak. "I swiped them when I was pinning him down to the ground. I am going to open the door now and this time listen to me and run. You hear me?" He said curtly, as he pointed warning-ly at me. 

I nodded, giving him a quick reply. "I will." 

He offered me a small smile while placing his hand on the doorknob and commented, "Good." Before bursting through the door in to the cold parking garage where indeed a group of men were present. 

They didn't cover the distaste on their faces before launching at us, pulling out their guns- but Jungkook was faster as he nailed four of them in their heads. I promptly whisked the keys from Jungkook's hand and ran. 

Wait. A sudden question appeared in my mind and while still running turned my head around, looking over my shoulder to inquire Jungkook, "How do I know which of these cars belongs to Casper!?" 

He paused shortly after killing another one, "The one that screams 'give me attention!' now go!" He fires his gun again, the sound of that together with the screaming men resonating throughout the parking. 

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