C23: The "Boyfriend" Shirt

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Lisa's POV

With no seconds to waste, I flipped open the phone and dialed 911. I was about to press the call icon button until I saw a foreboding red circle-backslash symbol in the top right corner of the screen, where normally the four signal bars should be.


I felt the dreadful feeling wash over me as I rubbed my thumb over the symbol, hoping that by doing that, it would vanish somehow. I felt myself breaking out in a cold sweat when I saw it was still there and raised up my arm swinging left, right, back, and front; praying that at least one bar would appear.

I cursed, grabbed the giant bear, and threw it on the bed; stepping on it with my arm still raised up.

"Come on, come on," I grunted, biting on my bottom lip, my arm so stretched out that I could feel the strain of it. And like a ballerina, I stood on my toes to elongate my height. But to no avail. The bars still didn't appear.

Dejectedly, I slumped down, my knees landing back on the soft king-sized bed. I groaned loudly, pressing the palms of my hands against my face, slouching over.

"How the fuck isn't there any signal here!?" I yelled, but not loud enough for Mr. Jeon to hear me.

'Am I in some type of underground dungeon or something!?' I pulled down on my eyelids in frustration.

"Is everything all right in there?"

I jolted in surprise at the baritone voice that came from behind the door.

"Y-Yeah I am good!" I answered as I was floundering around putting the phone back into the plushie toy.

The door was swung wide open and Mr. Jeon strides inside, scanning the room before his gaze landed on me. "What were you doing?" He asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Hugging Mr. Teddy." I shrugged as I pressed the giant bear against my chest.

His brow raised. "On the bed?" He questioned as he crossed his arms in front of his broad chest.

I rose my eyebrows, giving him a questionable look. "Does it matter where I hug it?"

"Not really, but you were unusually quiet." He said with an indifferent expression. "And let's not forget that you said that you would be back in a 'jiffy'." He continued, emphasizing the word jiffy, making a quoting sign around it with his fingers.

My heart skipped a beat, worried that he was getting on to me. "I just wanted to cuddle with it on the bed. What's so wrong with it?"

He gave me a pensive look and his lips twitched, forming into a grin; his eyes twinkling with mischievousness, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Oh, baby." He started, putting his hands beside me as he leaned on the bed caging me in between them. He hunched forward so that his face was close to mine. "There's nothing wrong with cuddling in the bed." He took the teddy from my hold, gave it an annoyed look, and threw it aside as he puts his knee on the edge of the bed.

"Hey-!" I was about to berate him for treating my buddy harshly but was swiftly rendered speechless as he pushed me into the bed. He was now hovering above me; his normal brown eyes took a darker shade, never breaking eye contact with mine. He trailed his fingers down my neck. I took in a sharp breath, feeling my heart being catapulted out of my ribcage. "What's wrong is that you're cuddling something which is not me." He purred, his already low voice becoming even an octave lower.

"Get off me." I gritted, pushing at his chest, but he won't budge.

"But you wanted to cuddle, right?" He crooned sickly and attacks the crook of my neck with butterfly kisses.

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