C25: The Black Queen Pt. 2

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Jungkook's POV

With her small frame, she rose up on her toes from the stool, towering slightly over my sitting position. Her alarmed eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her skull as she looked down on me. "What!?" she screeched.

'I told you, you wouldn't like it.' I sighed internally. Unbothered by her scream, I raked her body over, drinking in her appearance again.

'Fuck.' I groaned internally. I really made a mistake by giving her my clothes. How could a plain t-shirt look so good on a person? Seeing my adorable baby being swallowed by my t-shirt gave me a sense of ownership. It's like giving your dog a new collar, telling the world that she's mine. Her snowy long white legs were plain in sight, giving me the urge to have her sit on my lap so that I can have my way with them. Her supple cheeks were glowing red from the hot, steamy shower, and her hair... God, it's everything. I know how stubborn and competitive my kitten can be, so I had hoped that she would let her hair down when I told her to tie it up. Her hair was still damp from the shower; dew drops coming down from her hair strands. There were some small hair fringes clinging on to her forehead.

It fucking looked like she came back from some heavy love making session.

And the one thing that's threatening my thin strand of sanity is the fact that she isn't wearing a bra! Her nipples are poking through the thin material and it's taking every will power that I have to not take one of them between my lips while I play with the other with my fingers; pinching and pulling them until she withers under me, begging me for more-

"Could you stop looking at me like that and start explaining why you were fucking planning to kill me!?" The alarmed voice of my baby dragged me back from my fantasies, before something dangerous could happen. I glanced down at my pants, where a dent was forming, and I inwardly groaned from the tightness.

I need a cold shower.

"Will you just sit down and calm down?" I asked the frantic Lisa, who was now pacing left and right, lost in her thoughts.

I can already see what she was thinking: "He's planning to kill me! I have to get away!" but she never will get away from me.

She stopped pacing around and eyed at me with her cute bambi eyes semi-cautiously. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No." I said simply. "And I will spank your cute little behind hard if you keep thinking that I would ever hurt you." I added warningly as I was getting tired of her distrust towards me.

Her already rosy cheeks became even darker. She cleared her throat as she finally sat back on her stool. She gestured for me to continue with my story. My eyebrows slanted upwards as I eyed at her in amusement.

"Right, so as I was saying, you were going to the be Black Queen."

"Why the Black Queen?" My kitten asked curiously, interrupting my story. I gave her a side-glare, warning her not to interrupt me again. She got the message and made a zipping sign over her full, plump pink lips.

"It started four years ago..." I paused and peered at Lisa , thinking that she would interrupt me again, but she didn't and I continued. "I met you at night when I was on a stakeout around the old small decaying convenient store where you were working at. Your beauty enraptured me from the moment I laid my eyes on you."

Lisa cocked her eyebrow at me in disbelieve.

I shrugged. "I have seen many women who were beautiful, but they became dust in my eyes the moment that I saw you."

The place that she used to work at was a place that wouldn't be easy to find in one of those back alleys. The foul feeling that I felt as I set my sight on the grimy, grotesque building that looked like it was about to crumple down from all the prominent deep cracks in the wall was distaste. One of my targets that I was planning to kill that night was located inside that building. My refusal to set one foot inside the building made me wait for him outside, laying in wait to ambush him.

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