C61: Healing Old Wounds Pt. 1

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Lisa's POV 

"I-I-I..." Feeling like my body would go in an overheat, my vision swirled until a loud knocking on the door interrupted our conversation. 

"Sir, I have packed everything in," the store manager informed us as she opened the door wide enough for her to peek her head through it. There was a momentary pause as she gazed at our position, but she ignored it and spoke. "Is there something else that you would like, sir?" 

With me still caged between Jungkook's arms, Jungkook looked over his shoulder with a brooding expression and opened his mouth to respond. "No-" 

Taking this opportunity now that he was distracted, I ducked under his arm and swiftly run past him to the store manager. "No, there's nothing else that we need, so we will take our leave after paying for everything." I said hastily between breaths before turning my head around to look at Jungkook. "Right Jungkook?" 

Jungkook was still in the stance where I had left him, his hands placed against the mirror. He tched and removed his hands from the mirror as he exasperated; the disappointment lacing his voice. "Yeah." 

After paying for everything with his black credit card, he gave the woman another wad of cash for her service to have me question myself how rich Jungkook truly was. The drive back was also uneventful, with no to minimum words exchanged between us while the radio made up for the silence. 

Jungkook parked his car in front of the café where I was supposed to meet my mother. The people outside all cast a curious eye towards us, wondering who was sitting in that expensive car. Flipping open the visor of the car, I checked myself in the mirror to see if everything was looking alright. My outfit was great, but the way my hair was looking didn't sit me well as the mane of my curly hair was unbounded. I wanted to tie it up but didn't have my tie with me. 

Seeing me fumbling around with my hair, he pulled out a hair tie out of the compartment. "Turn your back towards me." He spoke. 

I shifted in my seat so that my back would face him; giving him better access to do whatever he wanted with my hair. Leaving a few of my front fringes out, he took half of the up section and tied it in a messy bun while leaving the down section loose to cascade down my back. 

"There." He patted my back to let me know he was done. I shifted back in my seat to glance in the mirror and was impressed at how well he had done with my hair. How does the messy bun not look messy but perfect? I wondered as I glanced around Jungkook's handy work. "Thanks." I muttered. 

"I have some things that I have to take care of, so call me when you're done. I'll come pick you up." 

I furrowed my brows. "It's literally five minutes walking from here to my house, Jungkook." 

"I don't care if the distance is even one minute. I will not let you walk alone when you look so enticing." 

I rolled with my eyes. "Jungkook, come on, you're being overdramatic." 

"Unless you want me to chop the head of the guy who dares to flirt with you, then go ahead and strut down the street while I dye it with blood. It would be a wonderful exercise for me anyway, since I feel like I have been getting rusty." He smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, which sent only a chilling feeling down my spine, knowing that he would go on a vicious killing spree if I didn't listen to him. 

Glowering at him, I tightened my jaw and said, annoyed, "Fine." I can't retort back when he is threatening me with somebody's life. 

Jungkook clasped his hands together, pleased. "Great! That means that I don't need this anymore." A knife that was somehow now resting in his hand was shoved back in the compartment. 

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