C17: My Name

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Lisa's POV

"What? You're joking, right?" I asked, not believing the words that escaped my friend's mouth.

The tears clouded her vision, so she parked at the side of the road a few blocks away from the company. She wiped away her tears along with the smudged makeup. "You think I would joke about something like this?" she said in a shrill voice, scowling her face at me.

"No, of course not, but it is Jimin that we are talking about. The same Jimin whose whole body was shaking when he tried to confess to you in high school, the Jimin that would always get you a bouquet of flowers to tell you he was sorry after each fight. Are you sure that we are talking about the same man?"

She lowered her head, covering her face with her hands as tears were falling down. "Yes..." she said between her sobs. I could feel a painful twinge in my left chest at the sight of my best friend weeping figure. I circled my arms around her, pulling her head into my chest; stroking her head soothingly as I tried to calm her down. I could feel the tears soaking into my white blouse.

"It's okay Chae. Didn't you say that you think that he is cheating on you? I am sure that there must be some misunderstanding." I assured her.

I could feel the friction of her head against my chest as she was shaking her head. "He has been acting so weird these past few weeks, Lisa. He always comes home late, he never did that before. If I message him, he would always reply immediately unless he's at work, now... now he would reply after a few hours. And he has been so busy texting or messaging someone on his phone. He doesn't even touch me anymore..." The last part came out like a faded whisper. She tilted her head up, meeting my eyes with her tear-coated eyes. Her nose was red, irritated from the sniffling and rubbing. "Does that still sound like he's not cheating on me?" She asked, her voice cracking.

Chae, who was normally an overly confident girl brimming with brightness, looked so small, so broken, lost; searching for validation, reasons, and answers. Answers which I couldn't give to her.

"I would be lying if I said yes, but we will never know until he admits it. It just... sounds impossible; he's the type of man who would die first before hurting you like that." I just refuse to believe that he would ever cheat on her.

She scoffed. "He's still alive."

A vibration of a phone could be heard, but it wasn't mine. Chae pushed herself away from my embrace and wiped away her tears. She grabbed her phone from her handbag and looked at it. "It's from Jimin." She said. "He wants to talk to me about something." She continued in a soft whisper.

"He's going to break up with me, I am sure of it!" She wailed, tears raining down again.

The dam of my tear ducts broke down as I couldn't handle seeing Chae like that, but I suppressed it. Chae needs me right now. I can't be crying too.

"Hey, hey..." I called, but she kept on crying. I cupped her cheeks with my hands, making her face my way, forcing her to look me in the eye. "It will be alright, I can feel it. Even if he cheated on you, I'll make sure that he will pay by cutting off his dick." She lets out a feeble laugh, her cries reduced to sobs. I grabbed her hands. "I will go with you, okay?" She nodded.


I smiled sympathetically. "Now stop crying, you're ruining your only good quality," I said as I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.

"Fuck you." She said, letting out a light wobbly laugh and slapping my arm.

I laughed.

Her face features were still pulled down, shoulder slumped. "I love him, Lisa. I love him so much that imagining a life without him is impossible. It's killing me, Lisa." She said, just above a whisper.

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