C31: Truth

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Lisa's POV

Wrapping her arm around me, Rosé brought my weeping figure inside as Jimin closed the door behind us. Chae sat us down on the couch as she kept trying to calm me down, but no matter how many times I wiped my tears away new ones would start rolling down and the uncontrollable sharp breath intake only intensified, making it hard for me to breathe.

Chae's eyes locked with Jimin's, who was sitting across from us, in a shared understanding before they both nodded as if they had reached to an agreement.

Exhaling, Rosé placed my head on top of her chest as she stroked my head. We were sitting in that position for what felt like hours. They quietly let me cry my eyes out until my wails were reduced to sobs and until the tremor in my body had calmed down.

"You're okay now?" Chae asked quietly. I nodded against her chest, letting out even breathing that matched the soothing rhythm of her heartbeat.

"I'll spare you the overloading questions for tomorrow. First, get yourself out of those oversized clothes, take a bath, and sleep." I nodded again.

Placing her hands on my shoulders, she slightly pushed me off her until my eyes would meet hers. "Nothing will happen to you here. You're safe Lisa, okay?" Her assuring eyes bore into mine as her hold on my shoulders tightened.

My eyes burned, and my throat started to ache again. 'You're wrong Chae. I'm nowhere safe.' Taking my bottom lip between my teeth, I fought hard to not usher those words through my lips.

Chae placed her palm against my cheek. "Okay?" She repeated.

I smiled despondently. "Yeah..." My voice came out hoarse and quiet.

She gave me an assuring smile, grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the bathroom. "Jimin, can you prepare the guest room?" Chae queried over her shoulder, dragging an exhausted me over the stairs.

"Already on my way babe." Jimin smiled as he saluted.

Rosé let the scorching water run into the bathtub until the steam became visible for the eye to see. She turned the hot water off and instead turned the cold water on until the liquid became lukewarm.

I stood awkwardly behind her as she dipped her hand in the water to check the temperature.

"You know you can't talk your way out of this, right?" Chae said, breaking the silence as she turned around, facing me.

I avoided her gaze by casting mine on the ground as I shuffled slightly on my feet; putting more weight on my left foot. "I know," I said, just above a whisper.

Chae wanted to hear the truth. I get that and honestly, I'm not even sure if I can lie myself out of this situation like I usually do. I came to her porch in the middle of the night. Barefoot. And as if that wasn't enough, I'm also wearing a man's suit, which is obviously a few sizes too big for me. I haven't glanced at myself in the mirror yet, but I know that my hair has turned into a bird's nest.

What should I tell her? The same story that I told the old trucker? She would snort first before beating my ass because we both know that I don't have any other friends except her and Jimin.

Or should I just tell her I wanted to cross-dress for once and that my cross-dressing session turned into something chaotic? That still won't explain my sudden outburst or me knocking on their door so late.


I was jolted in surprise by Chae's sudden raise in tone. My eyelashes fluttered as I stared at her in shock and confusion.

"W-What?" I stammered, flustered.

"You're doing it again."

She nodded at my thumb that I have been unconsciously nibbling on. The nail has been chewed down, and I was about to break through my skin.

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