C27: Escape Pt. 2

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Lisa's POV

The surrounding ambiance became dense, making it harder for me to swallow the heavy lump that got stuck in my throat as it rooted me in place. With a blank expression on his face, his eyes wanders over my body, scrutinizing me as he kept his armed arm steady.

His eyebrows rose and a lopsided smile took place on his bruised face. "I see that you guys enjoyed each other's company." He nodded at my newly forced look.

I clenched my hands at my side as I eyed gingerly at James. "I am not wearing this because I want to." My voice came out strained with fear.

"Your man sure has a weird hobby." He snickers.

"Why are you here... James?" I asked, my voice trembling.

All the humor was wiped from his face, and his eyes became devoid of any emotion. "To finish my job." He answered, his voice monotone.

I could feel the blood in my body running cold as my eyes were quivering in fright. My heart stopped operating together with my breathing system as I hitched in a sharp breath. The fine hair on the back of my neck rose up as my body was on full alert of the danger that its host was in right now.

James pressed the gun against my forehead with his finger on the trigger. My eyes started involuntarily to brim with tears. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to change his mind just to find out that even words deserted me.

"Bye sugar plumps." He started slowly pressing down on the trigger.

With tears running down my face, I shut my eyes tightly, brazing myself for the impact.

After excruciating seconds of waiting for my demise, I wondered what was happening, as I was still standing and breathing. Haltingly, I opened one of my eyes to take a peek at the situation.

James was staring at me with brimming tears of mirth as he was biting down on his bottom lip, stifling a laughter. His body was convulsing as he was clutching his stomach.

"Y-You should have seen your expression!" He laughed.

Perplexed and dumbfounded by the situation, the tense muscles in my body relaxed and my shoulders slumped down. "Aren't you going to kill me?" I questioned, confused.

He shook his head. "No, I am not going to kill you. Not now, at least. I am going to bust you out, take you to my hideout. There I will lie in wait for your man to pop up to finish him and then I'll kill you." He grins, pleased, proud of his well-thought-out plan.

Dread came back knocking at my heart, speeding up my heart rate as beads of sweat poured out of my pores. "But... why?"

His eyes flashed with pure rage, and I shrunk away under his heated stare. "Are you seriously asking me that?" He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me towards him. "That motherfucker has to pay for what he did to my face and what is a better revenge than to take you right under his radar." He spat his anger, the droplets of his saliva finding their way to my face.

"Or maybe I should kill you right in front of him?" He sneered, tightening the hold on the collar and choking me. I could only stare at him in horror as I wrapped my hands around his; trying to pry him off me, but his fingers won't budge at all.

'How am I so weak!?'

He scoffed at my futile flailing and let go of my collar. I fell down on the floor clutching at my throat as I was coughing and gasping for air. "See it as a thank you for letting me escape that I kill you as last."

He points the gun back at me. "Now start moving." He commanded.

With my eyes cast on the ground, a lone tear escapes as I gnashed hard down at my bottom lip, drawing out some blood in pure frustration at my weakness and at the unfairness of the situation.

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