C28: Escaped? Pt. 1

741 33 15

Lisa's POV

He cast a skeptical eye, but his eyes twinkled with interest. With the phone as his hostage, he sat down on a boulder at the roadside. "Speak." He commanded, waving the gun at me intimidatingly.

I cleared my throat and mustered all the marketing skills that I had cultivated over the years to make sure that my offer would appeal to him.

"The Chess Player is after the both of us." I started. Not knowing if James knows the Chess Player's identity, I decided to not reveal Jungkook's name against better judgment. It won't make Jungkook's mood any better if he knows I told James his identity after him, warning me not to tell anyone about him in case the plan goes down the drain it.

Jungkook is already going to be livid if he meets his vacant home no need to throw oil on it.

"Yeah, he wants my head on the platter and your ass on the bed."

I almost choked on my saliva before regaining back my posture as I felt the heat creeping up my face. "S-Shut up, that's not the point." I stuttered.

James rolled his eyes, and his lips turned into an ark. "Guessing from his build, he must pack some heat down there. Trust me, I know that shit." He broke out in a wide grin, revealing his teeth as he winked at me teasingly.

The red hue on my cheeks intensified, and the veins in my temple were pumping from irritation. "Will you knit that loose mouth of yours shut and just listen?" I growled, feeling the steam exiting my ears.

James held his hand up in defense with a never fading smirk.

I glowered at him silently but continued. "Anyway, the main point is that you don't want to be slaughtered and I don't want to be stalked or locked up again."

"I can take him on just fine." He scoffed, tilting his nose up haughtily.

Now it was my turn to scoff as I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Sure, if that is what you want to think be my guest, however, it's a fact that you have been annoyingly on edge ever since we left that place. We both want to live, and I am giving you a ticket to that."

I pointed at the phone. "I bought that phone on the day that he kidnapped me. The Chess Player doesn't know about it, so I can say for sure that he can't track my location. With the phone, I can call the police. They will come to the hideout before him and, when he gets there, they will catch him and throw him behind the jail. We will never see him again."

James eyed me as though his bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone. "So why do you think I would allow you to call the cops, so that you can get me jailed up with him?" He asked calmly, but the gaze that was fixated on me was cold.

I dragged the palm of my hand down my face, letting out a frustrated groan.

'How can he not see it!?'

"Because I call the cops on the Chess Player not you. You and I are victims. The cops will surely believe a man that's covered in bruises over a man that's disguised like the thieves of Home Alone." I concluded.

He stared at me with a blank expression before it slowly morphed into a Cheshire smile. He stood up, striding towards me. Stiffening up, I closed my eyes, fearing what he would do to me only to feel the roughness of his palm ruffling my hair excitedly. "I never knew that sugar plump's head was filled with quality meat."

I grunted petulantly under the pressure of his hand. "And I never knew that yours was dried out, now get off me." I pushed him away and stretched out my hand. "Now could you be so kind as to return my phone back?" I asked.

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