C8: We Can't

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Lisa's POV

"Wait, no, I should apologize to you." He said, correcting himself.

What is this guy on now?

He brushed a hair lock of mine behind my ear. "I thought our Lisa was oblivious like a goldfish, but she has showed us today that she's really like a cat."

Did he just call me dumb on animal terms? Tired of his gibberish, I tried to push him away so that I could have some space, but this guy wouldn't flinch! It's like I was pushing a wall. "What are you going on about?" I said frustrated, still pushing at his chest.

He grabbed both of my hands again and this time he pulled me towards him. With my head strained back, my eyes met with his sunglasses again.

"You lied to me." He sneered. "And I am mad about it."

I gulped. He figured out that I had lied to him about hurting myself. "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to act oblivious to what he was saying.

He tutted with his fingers. "Don't act stupid to me, baby girl. You lied to me about hurting yourself, remember?"

Trying to keep a poker face, I could feel my soul leaving my body. I am dead. He's here to kill me. I'm sure of it, but I can't let my fear being shown on my face.

"So what? Are you going to kill me now?" I said, acting brave.

He chuckled. "Now why would I kill my reason to live?"

Not expecting that answer, I could feel myself heating up. "W-what are you saying!?" I said, flustered.

He stared at me and sighed, frustrated. "Fuck... I wish I could kiss you right now, but that means that I would risk blowing up my cover."

At this point, I became a tomato. "Shut up." I squealed out, covering my mouth with my hands to protect my lips.

"Why are you so cute?" He swooned.

"Can you just stop? Why are you here then if you're not here to kill me? You said that you were mad." I said, annoyed.

He groaned angrily. "Why the fuck did you have to destroy the mood. I even forgot that I was mad." He laid his hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"I wasn't angry that you lied to me about hurting yourself. I was angry about your reason for it." He gripped on to my shoulders harder, causing me to flinch from the pressure. "You were lying and threatening me to keep that tan boy safe." Unconsciously, I turned my head sideways from the proximity closeness of his face to mine.

The fact that his getup hid away his face expressions only heightened his scary demeanor.

"S-So what? I didn't want you to kill a good friend of my." I stammered.

"And that heroic behavior of yours is really endearing, but this time, it pissed me off. Do you think I care if a guy dies?" He growled into my ear.

I whimpered. "Why are you here, Jack?"

He leaned back, finally giving me space to breathe. "Because you had to lie for that bastard, I had to take out this blazing anger on someone."

I blinked a few times in realization and panic. "Y-You killed someone again?"

He chuckled. "That's right. Your best friend is lying somewhere at the bottom of the bay." He said darkly.

"Why did you do that, you asshole!? I even told him to not come close to me anymore. I was going to abide to your rules you shit-stupid-idiot of a stalker!?" I screamed while slamming my fists on to his chest trying to inflict some pain, but seeing how he did even flinch at my attack I cried in frustration.

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