C66: To Kidnap Or To Not Kidnap Pt. 2

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Jungkook POV 

My smile stretched up, even more, revealing the whites of my teeth as I mused while tilting my head to the other side, "You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemy closer. I am not called the Chess Player for decoration, you know." Every step that I took, every decision that I made, fell within my calculations. Everyone around me is a pawn for me to use to my advance- to reach my goal. 

Just as he has accused me of, I knew months ago that he was here. Thinking at first that he was here to find and get rid of me, I wondered how to deal with him, racking my brain for any solutions until an idea materialized in my head a few weeks ago. Why not use him to create a suspension bridge effect to make Lisa fall for me quicker? I knew how Casper operated and took that into account when I created the plan. After that, it was purely figuring out when he would kidnap us and where he would hold us- a piece of cake thus. 

Chuckles were released from my mouth at the thought of how everything was moving smoothly to have caught Casper slightly off guard- his brows arching at me in confusion. I am sure that after that incident Lisa realized that it was safer to be with me and that I am not as bad of a person compared to Casper. And the results of the aftermath have been really satisfactory. My sweet Lisa may think she is being secretive about it, but the hunger and anticipation in her eyes whenever they laid their sight on me was vibrant as the blazing sun- burning with unending passion. But as a woman who had never been engaged in any intimacy with the opposite gender, the unfamiliar ardent feeling that has blossomed in her was foreign to her- so she shies away from it. 

My chuckles dwindled away and a slow smile made its way onto my face. But I'll change that soon, as I'll ease and coax her with my ministrations so that her body will yearn for me. I have already sparked something deep inside of her and now it's a waiting game of when it will ignite. 

It was a coincidence that I took Snake under me. I needed some extra arms, and she was the one most suited for it, but I am glad that I did. Who knew that she would come in handy as collateral? But he doesn't need to know that, does he? 

"Who knows?" I responded indifferently with a smirk plastered on my face. Frowning in distaste at my response Casper opened his mouth to say something. Still, his words were cut off as a dysfunctional screeching noise that came from the earbud rung through my ear- causing me to hiss in pain as I clutched at my ear before removing and chucking it away on the ground. 

'What the f*ck?' I thought startled before swiftly taking out my phone to see the red dot that represented Lisa moving at a fast pace from its place. 

Cursing under my breath, I instantaneously rouse up from my seat. "I'm leaving." I announced. 

"You better don't think that I have let go of this matter, Jungkook." 

"Sure," I responded whilst rummaging through my pocket in search of something before throwing it at Casper. He caught it in his hands. Unfolding his hand, he looked at the car key that belonged to his car that I had stolen that night. "You can find it in the junkyard in case you want to take a souvenir and-" 

My fist collided boisterously with his cheek, causing him to fall down with his chair on the ground. He grunted loudly at the sudden impact. 

"Boss!" The guards yelled simultaneously and were about to run to Casper who was lying on the ground but they were stopped by his loud command, "Stand down!" small shocks of turmoil went down his body as the impact of my fist was too strong for his body to withstand. Standing up slowly as he placed his hand on the desk as support, he glared at me. 

The anger that had been like a vortex spiraling inside me ever since I stepped a foot inside this room finally settled down, as I was able to take it out on Casper. The only variable that I didn't foresee in my plan was Casper holding a chasing game like that, resulting in Lisa almost getting assaulted. And I'll be damned if I at least don't get one hit on him for that. 

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