C72: A Ferocious Dog

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Lisa's POV

I left Chae behind in the lounge room with an excuse that I had to handle a matter quickly. Once I was out of eyeshot pulled out my phone to send Jungkook a peeved-filled message. 

"How difficult is it for you to keep one damn promise!"  send.

Sending that, I got a quick reply, causing me to stop mid-walk and having me stand still in the middle of the hallway. 


Private number (still didn't change :))

"Well, it depends how much worth keeping the promise is. But what got you so heated?" 

"I guess that means that keeping me in your life means nothing. Don't worry, I'll gladly take my stuff and go somewhere where even you can reach!" 

"Kitten, I haven't broken that promise once. What happened?" 

"Don't act like you don't know what happened!" 

"I'm not acting. I truly do not have a fucking clue why you're so angry at me. I'm not spying on you anymore, remember?" 

Huh, I guess he's keeping his promise? I thought, pleasantly surprised.

"So you have nothing to do with Sabrina's sudden disappearance?" 

I pressed. Seeing the next message pop-up, I narrowed my eyes. 


"Don't play dump with me, Jungkook . Or I'll be the one who will disappear next." 

I threatened. 

"You know what? How about you come to my office so that we can talk about it properly." 

Not sure whether it was a good idea to be alone with him in a room, I wrote, 

"I still have a lot of work to do-" 

But simultaneously a new message from Jungkook popped up, intervening and preventing me from sending the message as it caused me to stiffen up in place. 

"I'll give you an actual reason to run away if you don't come right now." 


Grumbling as I erased my message, I wrote instead, "fine." And send it before making my way to his office. 

I had to drag my feet as I trudged deliberately. The stares that my colleagues threw at me were daunting, watching me intently how I shuffled my way to Jungkook's office. Standing in front of the wide black doors that formed the entrance to Jungkook's office, I wondered if it was a wise idea to enter, not wanting to give the people inside the building more materials to gossip about. 

The last thing that I want them to misunderstand about is that I went to Jungkook's office because of a booty-call. I was about to pull out my phone to tell Jungkook that I'll just talk to him when we get off work when the doors suddenly opened by themselves to reveal Jungkook standing there. "Are you planning to stand there for the rest of the day?" He mused, with an arched brow. 

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