C39: Snake

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Lisa's POV

I trudged behind Jungkook, following him were the couches were located as i flapped my hand in front of my face. Trying to extinguish the heat that has spread on my face from  Jungkook's surprise 'attack'.

Jungkook sat down at the end of the huge corner couch with his legs crossed over his ankle. As he was settled, he eyed at me and opened his arms. beckoning with his fingers at me. I stared at him puzzled asking myself why he was doing that and proceed to sit at the opposite end of the cream-colored couch.

The moment my bun made contact with the expensive looking couch i was overcome by shock at how soft and bouncy it was.

'Wow...' I was in aw and couldn't help bouncing up and down as i never had sat on such a soft couch before. My eyes were twinkling with excitement like a kid meeting its new toy.

I leaned back and i immediately wanted to sunk further in the couch. Wanting to let it swallow me in one gulp.

'This is amazing...' Tranquil washed over me and i was about to slowly drift away until a broody looming figure stood over me with its arms folded over each other. It was Jungkook and he looked displeased.

My heart thumped in fright as i didn't hear him stalking towards me. "What?" I chirped as i let my fingers trace over the soft material of the couch.

Jungkook frown deepens and my eyebrows raised up even further as i waited for his answer. I guess how i acted must have seem odd in his rich-looking eyes.

He grumbled something unintelligible before taking a seat next to me, but my ears managed to receive something.

"...so dense..."


I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but only a squeak was forced out of my mouth as a pair of strong arms hoisted me against my will; settling me on Jungkook's lap. My back was leaning against his torso and he wrapped his arms securely around my waist.

Resting his chin int the crook of my neck he exhaled pleased. "Much better." he purred and proceeds to rub his cheek against mine. i unintentionally hissed at the unfamiliar friction against my skin.

"This is much worse!" I retailed and promptly tried to wriggle myself free. My fingers trembling as they were face with strong hurdle of prying Jungkook's arms open.

"Kitten." A strained voice that breathed out hot air in combination with the bulging feeling that was felt from underneath my bun forced me to halt any further movements. "If you move one more muscle then i won't be responsible for my actions." His low gruff whisper and the soft feeling his lips against my ears brought a bright blush across my face.

My mouth went totally dry as i had now words, but i was mostly scared that my words would be a trigger to push him over the edge.

As stillness slowly filled the room, i felt his big vein'y hand patting my head. Feeling the rumbling and vibration from his chest as he lets out a soft chuckle. "That's a good girl."

Ignoring my annoyed expression, he started to talk. "I did say that i would tell you everything, but where should i start?" He queried as he rubbed his chin,  mulling in which chronological order he should start.

"When did you start to be fucked up?"  I quipped, raising a brow with a smirk.

He threw his head back letting out a laughter, the corner of his eyes crinkling. "Oh kitten," he mused. "Since i was born. even since i was born, i was void from emotions, but in exchange i was adept in everything leaving my same age mated in the dust. My brain developed quicker than my peers making me skip many classes, but i was always lacking emotions. Do you know when i felt the most alive?"

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