C12: The Ridiculousness Was Funny

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Lisa's POV

He stepped on James' fainted body as he went over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked, worried as he reached for me. In fright, I scrambled away.

He stared at me for a few seconds and then stared at James. He repeated that motion for a few more times as if he was contemplating something. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he suddenly slammed the crowbar down onto James' chest. I shrieked. He just continued to hit him full force.

"Stop!" I yelled, not wanting to see any more bloodshed.

Jack just ignored me, as if he was in a trance. "You're killing him!" I yelled again.

I latched on to his arm, trying to stop him. "Don't stop me, Lisa. I'm going to mutilate him." He said through gritted teeth as he shrugged me off him with ease. I hissed in pain when I felt the sharp pain of my twisted ankle again.

He stopped mid-swing and looked at me. "You're hurt!? That bastard got you!?" He yelled, dropping his crowbar. He crouched down, trying to reach for me again, but again I flinched away. He sighed, frustrated at my reaction. "I have to check if you're okay baby girl."

I shook my head. "No need. How do I even know if you're Jack?" I asked cautiously.

"Really babe?" He asked in disbelief. "I am Jack. Your Jack. I'm the only one who could have possibly known where you were."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Okay yeah, I know it was a stupid question, but can you really blame me? A few seconds ago, I was at the brim of losing my life, and having your stalker whose identity is still a mystery standing in front of you doesn't exactly give off a pleasant feeling.

"Babe." He called, making me look at him. "It's you tell me where it's hurting or I'll be forced to strip you myself, which I don't mind of course."

I recoiled. "Fine." I grumbled. "James has done nothing to me. It was my own clumsy ass mistake. I fell down and hit my nose." I pointed at my nose, which now was glowing red like the one belonging to a clown. "And I twisted my right ankle..."

He pulled up my leggings' sleeve, letting out an angry growl. I glanced down to see that my ankle had swollen up a bit. It looked bruised up. How the hell does it look so beat up already?

Jack took out a conforming bandage, wrapping it gently around my ankle. Where did he even get that from? "I swear if you didn't stop me, I would have killed tan boy beyond recognition." He said between angry breaths.

"Preferably, I wish you didn't kill him. I still have some questions that I would like to ask him." I really wanted to know if everything about James was fake because he was someone that I really trusted. Jack snapped his eyes back at me and glowered. "What is there to ask about? He fucking wanted to kill you! And he still will unless I kill him, painfully." He seethed; eyes flashed with anger.

I scowled a little. "Look, I'm not like you guys. I don't want anyone to be killed whether they wanted to turn me into minced meat or not!"

"And that moral side of you is cute, but this is reality." He pointed at James. "Whether you like it, that man is dead meat. I'll not let anyone live who may be a threat to my baby's life." He said dangerously low.

"And I'm telling you not to." I said, annoyed.

We stared hard into each other's eyes (well; I stared at his sunglasses; I guess) not giving in.

"Is it bad that I'm getting hard from this?" Jack asked.

I groaned as I leaned back. "Jack." I said, annoyed. Can this man be serious even for once?

"Okay, okay. Fine." He said, standing up after banding me up. Grumbling something unintelligible under his breath as he threw James' unconscious body over his shoulder like a potato sack.

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