C68: Say It Pt. 1

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A/N: Warning!⚠: There will be an 18+ scene. If you're uncomfortable with it, then please kindly skip this chapter. Thank you

Lisa's POV

Craning my head to stare at the mansion as Jungkook was unlocking the door, astonishment run through my mind at how I was voluntarily going back to the house that I was desperately running away from. It was painfully hilarious. 

Making my way inside the house, I felt a pair of muscular arms lassoing themselves around me- wedging my arms between them while pressing me against a sturdy chest. The quietness that followed suit after the resounding sound of the closing door made me painfully aware of Jungkook's presence- only heightening the speeding sound of my heartbeat. Exhaling the breath that he had kept inside, Jungkook said, "It feels so good to have you back with me." Nuzzling his nose against the back of my head, he tightened his embrace as he inhaled my scent. 

"I didn't have a choice when I found out that I was going to be evicted soon, did I?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 

His chest vibrated against my back as he spilled chuckles in the hallway. Releasing me before coming to stand next to me so that he could take a hold of my hand, he said, "Don't worry, we will laugh about this in a few years' time. As an apology, I will make us dinner." His almond-shaped eyes that matched his curved-up lips resembled the crescent moon and I could feel my cheeks slightly heat up at the prospect of us still being together in the next coming years. Of course, he envisioned our future together, but it was disturbing how flashes of images invaded my mind of us being happy together ten years later. 

At the dining table, I sat on Jungkook's lap, eating my pasta. Jungkook's plate was next to mine and while he draped his left arm over my waist, he used his right hand to eat his food. I had noticed ever since leaving the alleyway that Jungkook had never missed an opportunity to touch me in one way or another. When we walked he would hold my hand when we would sit he would instantly pull me on his lap and when it seemed like I was standing a little too far away from him, he would instantly flush me against his side by wrapping his arm around my waist. 

He needed the reassurance that I was here with him. That I truly became his and me not lashing out at him whenever he searched for contact only confirmed the situation even more. However, eating in this position was uncomfortable for me as the hand that pasted itself on my abdomen distracted me. It kept drawing out shivers from my body as it made slow, agonizing salacious circling movements. 

"Ah!" I let out a surprised yelp when the hand that rested on my stomach suddenly flew to my thigh. As I was still wearing the outfit that Jungkook had bought for me, the rouge tint on my cheeks spread to the tips of my ears at the burying feeling of Jungkook's fingers pressed on my bare thigh. 

His hand slowly crept up my thigh under the black sweater dress to induce a squeak from my lips before I whipped my head to the side, glaring daggers at him, only to see him taking a bite of his pasta with an unbothered expression. 

This impish...! The red on my face intensified when I felt his hand getting dangerously close to my intimate garment and I rouse up from his lap briskly. 

"I'm done eating, so I'll excuse myself and wash the plate," I said, clipped with the heat still present on my face. Despite the plate being still half full with pasta, I was about to clear it off the table to take it to the sink but got stopped by Jungkook's hand holding mine, keeping it where it was. 

Using his hand, Jungkook pried my fingers loose from the plate to instead interlock his fingers with mine. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes locked with the rich navy ones of Jungkook. 

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