C18: A Light Bulb Plan

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Lisa's POV

"Me?" My breathing was hampered, my eyelashes fluttered profusely, and my heartbeat was uncontrollable as I was in shock by this man's confession. "You mean you want to have sex?" I asked, unsure of what he meant by wanting me.

It would make sense if he just wanted to have something physical with me and seeing how there's a sofa bed in his office, there is a high chance that he had been doing this with a lot of women.

I felt a pang in my heart at the possibility that I may be one of the many women with whom he had fun.

'Why do I keep feeling like this?'

He growls lowly and dipped his head into my neck, inhaling and exhaling deeply, smelling me. "You smell so divine." He groans and assaulted my neck, living a trail of butterfly kisses from my neck to my shoulder, sucking at the same time.

I whimpered. "Mr. Jeon..."

He ceased his activity and stared back into my eyes. "I would lie if I said that I don't want to make sweet love to you, right here and right now." He said huskily. "But I want more than that, I want a relationship." He concluded, brushing the tip of his nose against mine.

"But why?" I whispered.

He chuckled and kissed my neck again, earning another whimper from me. "You can't tell me you don't feel our connection, just look at how your body is reacting to me." He answered with a lustful grin.

My whole body was flushed against his, and my breathing had been shallow for a while now. Every time he touches me, something deep in my abdomen is getting ignited, making my womb crave for something more.

He knows, he knows the effect that he has on me. I averted my eyes, ashamed of the state that I am in right now.

"Don't get shy with me now." He grabs my hand and puts it on top of something hard. I looked to see what it was and my eyes widen. He had laid my hand on top of the bulge that hid in his pants. "And this is what you do to me." He whispered in my ear, his voice walking on the thin line between want and restraint. "From the moment that I had laid my eyes on you, I knew I wanted you, needed you. I want you to be my woman."

He rested his forehead on mine, cupping my cheeks, both of us letting out a shuddering breath. "God, I want to kiss you so fucking bad." He groans out.

'Me too.' I thought. I had never felt like this before. His voice puts calmness in me, his smell puts peacefulness in me and his touch puts the fire in me; an infinite fire that doesn't want to be extinguished.

And the unbelievable thirst that I'm experiencing in my womb can only be quenched if we became one.

I had never felt like this before.

And it scares me.

I don't want to lose myself in this feeling, in this drug. If I don't watch out, I may get addicted to it while losing my sanity in the process like that woman, my mom. She had lost herself when dad died, but she went totally off the road after meeting that monster.

I don't want to be like her, end up like her. Feeling like you need a man to survive.

And let's not forget my diligent stalker. He won't let this man live for even one day after this, and I can't have that. It would break me... surely.

I placed my hand on his chest and jogged him off me, shaking my head as I cast my eyes to the ground. I whispered, "We can't do this, Mr. Jeon."

He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, giving it a peck. "Call me kook and yes, we can do this. You just have to give us a chance. Let's go on one date. I'll show you it will be worth it." He looked at me with a pleading look that made me hesitate about my decision.

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