C11: Why Is It Him!?

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Lisa's POV

It was around 9 pm. No person was to be seen in sight as I was standing in front of a tall, wide building, which was my company.

'Was it always so big?' I wondered as I was scanning it from top to bottom in my lazy get up. My hair was still tight up in a bun, but next to it, I was also wearing a black sports legging with a baggy brown hoodie over it and some white Converse; hoping that my face wasn't noticeable. May someone spot me here?

I checked for the last time if I got everything with me. My pocket knife was with me, so was my pepper spray, and let's not forget my good old phone.

I haven't heard from Jack at all since the conversation on how to catch the killer, which was nice for a chance if I must say. Not having to feel or hear the buzzing sound of my phone made me quite happy. I never realized how stressful it was for me every time my phone went off.

I inhaled and exhaled a few times, preparing myself mentally.

'C'mon Lisa. You're only here to get your laptop case. You'll get it and then get your ass out of here quickly.' That is what I was trying to tell myself.

With determination in my eyes, I took big strides into the building. I was met with a pin-drop silence as I entered the building. No soul to be seen. No cleaners or night guards, but again, after what happened today, it would make sense. I rushed to the elevator, quickly went inside, and pressed the fourth-floor button. As soon as I arrived there I went inside the office and gave out a relieved exhale, seeing that my laptop suitcase was indeed there, laying on top of my desk.

I took the suitcase and clutched it against my chest. "Because of you, I had to come here at night." I scolded the inanimate object as if it could hear and understand me.

I took a quick glance around. It was dark and eerily quiet. Did I really work normally overtime until this late? I must have been really absorbed in my work because I don't think that I would have been able to work in this spooky-looking environment. Realizing that I decided to not work overtime anymore.

'I will just finish the work at home from now on.'

I went back to the elevator and waited patiently for it, but on hearing the soft groans coming from behind me, I jumped in fright and trembled.

'What the hell? It better be no ghost.' I can't handle paranormal activity stuff at all. I wouldn't be able to sleep! While muttering and praying to myself, hoping that it wasn't some ghost, I slowly turned around. A dim-lit light coming from an office spilled its glow on the walls and floors of the hallway.

'Was that on before?' I wondered. Slowly and carefully, I inched forward to the source of the sound. My breathing became more elaborate and my heartbeat got louder the closer I got there. I heard thudding and hitting sounds next to the painful groans as I was getting closer.

'Was this a good idea?' I thought to myself. Deserted by oneself in a building with zero security, carrying a pocketknife, pepper spray, and a laptop suitcase as a form of meager protection, was not the ideal situation to play detective. It was clear no serious thoughts went into this plan. Nobody knows that I am here, not even Jack, seeing how he hasn't messaged me. Like seriously, what is he even doing?

I was now standing next to the big door frame of the entry of the other office. I looked up and moved my lips to read what the nameplate said without a sound.

'Marketing department.' I have never really interacted with people from there seeing how I'm from the sales department.

I jolted again when I heard a loud cry, followed by something that sounded like a bone being split in two.

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