C33: Surprise Pt. 2

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Lisa's POV

I glared wearily at Jungkook, who was walking towards us, with a still peeved expression. It looked like he was about to murder someone.

Chae eyes widen in shock seeing the stand-in CEO before us.

"Be a part of what, Mr. Jeon?" I spat his name out in disgust. Chae, who was still zoned out, didn't notice the change of tone in my voice. Jungkook shot me a warning glare and answered my question.

"Be a part of the plan to take the bastard down who fucking dared to stalk and kidnap you." He gritted out, his eyes blazing with fury.

Chae lets out a gasp hearing a foul word coming from the man with the godly appearance. Her eyes then dart between me and Jungkook, wondering what was going on.

I stood from the bench. "No, there's no need for you to be involved." I gritted out.

I glared at him, asking him with my eyes what the fuck he was doing. He ignored my stare and stepped in front of me, cupping my cheek with his hands. I flinched at the sudden contact and proximity.

His eyes that were aimed at me looked solemn. "How can I not when I know that you're the one involved?" Adoration thickly laced his voice that even Chae could pick up the affection that he held towards me.

I could feel the goosebumps covering my body hearing him say such a cheesy thing.

"I know you may find me annoying after my confession, but I don't know if I'm able to shut my eyes at night knowing that you might be in danger." He clenched his fist tightly, bringing it to his chest as his brows were knitted together, and spoke in such a sorrowful tone. "I wish that there was a way to keep you safe."

I raised my eyebrow at him skeptically. His overly dramatic display gave me a bad feeling, especially when he stole glances at Rosé.

"Oh, I know!" Jungkook said excitedly. "You should live with me."


"What are you saying!?" I exclaimed, slapping his hand away. "Are you nu-!"

I was about to tell him off, refusing to be part of this ridiculous plan of his, but was cut off by Chae, who interjected herself into the conversation.

"That's a great idea!" She exclaimed happily as she clasped her hands together.

My jaw dropped and my eyes went round at the sight of my best friend supporting my stalker's idea. "Chae are you crazy-!" I threw my arms up and was again rendered speechless by Chae clasping her hand over my mouth; dragging me a few meters away from Jungkook.

With her arm folded around my neck, she pulled me closer to her face until we were at the proximity where we could whisper to each other. "I think you should take up his offer to live with him," Chae whispers.

I glared at her. "Chae, are you crazy? Why would I do that!?" I whisper-yelled.

"Why are you so adamantly against it?" She queried as she gave me a questionable look.

I dragged my face down with the palm of my hand. "Why the fuck shouldn't I be against it? I can't just live with a stranger!" I gave her a scornful look as I gestured my arm towards Jungkook, who was still looking in our direction with an eerie smile, receiving a grimace from me in return, and shifted my attention back to Chae.

"Look." Chae started. "He's rich so he obviously would have great security, heck he can even provide you with private bodyguards. Also, how often does it happen that your CEO has a crush on you?" She said the last part with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she grins from ear to ear with her wiggly eyebrows.

She nudged her shoulder against mine. "Come on~ give that man a chance."

I could feel my eye twitch as my body flared up in frustration. "Is not a matter of giving him a chance, Chae. He is my fucking stal-" I shut my mouth instantly as I almost revealed Jungkook's identity to her.

I drew my bottom lip between my teeth as my body shook with frustration.

"Lisa" Chae called, grabbing my clenched fists. "Could you please take up his offer? Even if you don't end up in a relationship with him, at least my heart would be at peace knowing that you'll have all the protection that you need."

Chae explained her real thoughts and feelings, her eyes staring at me pleadingly.

I sighed in resignation. "Fine..."

Chae's eyes lit up, and she dragged me back to Jungkook. I could only grit as I glared at his smug face silently.

"She has decided to stay at your place for now."

Chae placed her palm on my shoulder as she gave me a little push in his direction, declaring happily that I would be stuck at his place.

Jungkook's eyes gleamed, pleased. "Is that so? Then I'll make sure that my secretary prepares your room."

Chae nudged at my shoulder when she saw I was not planning to respond to him.

I grunted as I looked at him dejectedly. "Thank you... so much." I grumbled.

His smile expanded and when Chae didn't look in his direction for a second, I could see him mouthing something at me.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decipher the word, and when I did, I was peeved.


I knew his words couldn't be trusted, ever

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