C75: Steel Plates

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Lisa's POV

My breath got snagged and my core clenched. Jungkook pushed my bra up, settling it above the swell of my breasts. My toes curled up as he traced his finger around my breasts and when he grabbed one of them, a moan escaped my lips and, as if it enticed him, he released a growl before he squeezed it with his palm again. 

"Mm!" I tried to thwart the cry from escaping my lips by pressing them into a thin line as I felt embarrassed that my body was so responsive to his touches. But I didn't manage to keep my lips shut for long when he confined my nipple between his index finger and thumb, the friction of them together puckering the skin. 

"Ah!" To make sure that the other nipple didn't feel lonely, he gave it undying attention with his mouth that felt hot and wet as his tongue was swirling around the bud. 

"Jungkook!" I writhed under his touch that made my back arch from the pleasure and my fingers found themselves to be entwined with his dark locks that shined under the moon's gaze. 

"Hearing you call my name like that drives me crazy." Remarked Jungkook, before he sat up between my legs. My pencil skirt had rolled up by itself from me squirming around, to settle above my waist, allowing Jungkook's eyes to feast on my laced garment that was under my see-through panty. Sensually, Jungkook slides the panty together with my garment over my legs to toss them aside, leaving my skirt on before pulling his own shirt over his head and casting it away. 

Caressing my face, Jungkook leaned forward to capture my lips. I felt his finger enter me where he added a second finger, preparing me while ravishing my lips. I kept moaning against his lips when his fingers started to pump in and out of me at a quick pace. 

Disconnecting our kiss, Jungkook whispers against my lips with a ragged breath, "I just can't get enough of you." He removed his fingers and replaced it with his rigid length, thrusting himself fully inside me until the base. 

I let out a keen cry, feeling myself stretch to accommodate to his length. My toes pressed against the bed sheet while my hand crumpled them. His manhood filled me, completely throbbing for release. Every time he slides out of me to slam right back in left, my lips parted to elicit moans and cries from them. 

I kept calling out Jungkook's name in a desirous state of mind, only to be responded with a thrust that made me forget how to form a proper sentence. A light sheen of sweat had formed on our body, and Jungkook bended down to capture my lips with his lips. Feeling like I was floating moved my hands up to hold on to his shoulders, and with every surge of his hips snapping against mine, earned him light scratches that covered his back, but he didn't seem to mind it as his face was filled with pleasure as he got closer to the edge. 

Soon my body started to tremble in his arms, and I cried out his name as I came apart. A few seconds later, Jungkook released his own share of roar as he emptied himself into me. 

Jungkook's breathing was heavy as he pulled himself out of me and laid next to my body that was still humming from our love-making. Entwining his fingers with mine, he brought them up to place a chaste kiss on them, sending delicious tingles down my already trembling body. "I love you. I love you so fucking much." He said with so much conviction that it had left me rendered speechless. My heart strummed again as my eyes trained themselves on the disheveled man next to me. His hair tousled from my fingers raking trough them. The long scratch marks on his back that turned slightly red together with the sheen of sweat that slowly was gliding down his marvelous body. It was truly a sight to behold, but it was his face filled with content that struck a blow to my heart. It felt like it was the first time that I really took my time to gaze into those blue eyes that held undying love for me. Their intense stare messing up my mind and hypnotizing me yet again. We were just drowning in each other's presence and before I could stop it my lips parted while I squeezed in our conjoined hands, my eyes brimming with determination, 

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