C55: Negotiate Pt. 1

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Lisa's POV

The numbness of my left hand in union with the thunderous clacking sound of something that went on forever forced me to pry my eyelids open. I darted my bleary eyes towards the source of the annoying sound to see a cloudy figure sitting against the headboard of the bed, basked under the warm sun rays that went through the cracks of the long curtains. Wondering who that was, I squinted my eyes into a pair of slits, adjusting my eyes until the figure finally came into focus; revealing a shirtless Jungkook. 

He was sitting against the headboard, the white duvet obscuring everything below his waist, whilst a laptop was resting on his lap. What explained the loud clacking noise that I have been hearing. His eyes hardened behind his reading glasses as they were profoundly focusing on the computer screen, making me wonder what he was looking at while aggressively typing away. 

Using my elbow, I propelled myself slightly against the headboard. With my mind being foggy and my eyes still narrowed from the tiredness, I looked at Jungkook. Groaning while rubbing one of my eyes with my hand, I ushered groggily, "Jungkook?" 

He didn't look my way as he was still typing, only answering, "Yes, kitten?" 

Pushing myself up so that I could lean back properly against the pillow, my eyes flitted curiously to the laptop screen. I pressed my shoulder against Jungkook's shoulder, leaning in close to take a better look at what Jungkook was working on so eagerly. "What are you working on?" I questioned, only to have the laptop slammed shut in my face before I could even catch a glimpse of what he wrote in there- the slamming sound of it startling me in fright. 

"What was that for!?" I yelled, trying to rein my racing heartbeat as I glared annoyed at him. He returned me the same look and answered, slightly ticked off, "When will you finally stop sticking your noise into something where it doesn't belong to?" 

"And when will you finally realize that doing this in my presence and not expecting me to be inquisitive about it is a fool's thought?" I retorted back. "I thought we had established camaraderie back in the hotel. I guess I was the only one who thought that." Came out, my grumbling voice petulant, the disappointment radiating off me as my shoulders slumped down. He should have realized that it was better to include me in his plans than keeping me in the dark. 

After a moment of me feeling down, Jungkook tch-ed while raking his fingers through his already unruly inky hair before speaking with a heavy breath, "I'm devising a plan to permanently get rid of Casper." He opened his laptop again, the screen brightening up to reveal tabs and emails. He pointed with his index finger at one picture that he brought forth, it showing the charred hallways that he had acquired from the security cameras of Casper's hotel. Many of the paintings and decorations burned to dust. "Casper is a perfectionist to the core. He likes to do everything according to his plan. He didn't count on you crawling to the vents nor your beautiful fire bending performance." Jungkook explained and brought forth a tab with Casper's schedule on it. Next to each meticulous description were pictures of Casper at different locations. 

"He must go crazy right now, thinking of different ways to kill us and having to plan that all over again. So, I am planning to slaughter him before he can utilize his next plan." Jungkook finished, snickering as he reveled at the thought of his enemy's demise. 

"I see..." I drawled, feeling astonished at all the information that he had gathered. I glanced at him and called out his name carefully, "Jungkook?" not sure if it was wise for me to say what has been lingering on my mind. 

He hummed, his mind still musing for other ideas on how to get rid of Casper before diverting his eyes from the screen to focus entirely on me. At the sight of me, the hardened look in his eyes mellowed down whilst the corner of his lips curved up, bringing his hand up to pick out the crusty mucus that settled itself in the corner of my eyes. His thumb then follows to caress my prominent eye-bag, and I had to stop myself from leaning into his warm touch. 

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