❥ 2.

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"Why do we have to go today ?, my next treatment is the day after tomorrow."

"Doctor Taylor finally got your blood results, we can see now if the meds worked or not", my mom said while driving the car.

"How has your day been so far sweetie ?" My dad asked in the front seat

"It was quite good, actually I'm going to meet Isabelle today for ice cream."

"What ? No, absolutely not. Too much sugar will only worsen your heart."

"Mom it's just ice cream, my heart will hardly stop beating, if I eat two scoops."

"I won't take any chances." My mom said serious.

"Honey now let her out with her friend, she just wants to have fun too, she will-"
My das said, trying to defend me.

"You're quiet now. We'll talk more about that later."

I sigh annoyed in the backseat and watching the street out of the window.

When will this stop ?


"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Hello Madellaine." Doctor Taylor said shaking our hands.

"Hello Doctor" my mother said taking the seat in front of Doctor Taylor's desk.
My dad takes the seat next to me, while I sit in the middle of them.

"Alright Madellaine, tell me how you feeling lately."

She takes out her clipboard and pen and starts writing down my answers.

"I've been feeling actually really good, sometimes I get these nose bleeding, but we all know that I have it since two years or some."

"Hmm", she's writing on the paper on the clipboard.

"Anything else ?"

"Ehmmm, oh yeah, I sometimes get this weird pain in my chest, it's piercing and when I have it, I can't breathe. It's really weird I've never had it before in the whole time I got the diagnosis."

"Why didn't you tell me anything Madellaine ?! I have to know these kind of things!" My mom said angry.

"I didn't thought it was something bad, it's nothing mom relax. Tell her doc."

Doctor Taylor just looks between us; silent.

"Doctor ?" I say slightly confused.

"Look Madellaine this kind of pain isn't normal." She said serious and quiet.

"Wha- what do you mean ?" I say scared.

What the fuck is she talking about ? I'm
totally confused right now.

My mom and dad are just looking at Doctor Taylor; scared. Their eyes are not blinking and I kinda have the feeling my mother stopped breathing.

If she's gonna pass out, we gotta take someone else to the hospital.

"Okay look, I'm not trying to scare you, but this feeling means the meds didn't worked, I also wanted to tell y'all that, that's why I called."

What the fuck ?

"And what is now with her heart ?" My mom said out of nowhere.

Oh good, she's still breathing

"Her condition worsens." The doc said.

Who's planing my funeral with me ?

Have a good day lovelies

Her heartbeat Where stories live. Discover now