❥ 36.

126 7 2

Happy seeing you

The ringtone from my alarm clock roused me from my sleep.

9:00 a.m.

Please don't.

I just want to sleep. I don't even understand why I have to go to the doctor.

Suddenly my room door opened.
My mother.

"Honey will you come down for breakfast in a minute, so we can go to the doctor."

"Yeah I'll be right downstairs." She nods and closes the door.
To bad she doesn't know that I'm going back to sleep.

"And don't get the idea of ​​going back to sleep", she said from the hallway.

Seriously ?


When I arrived at the doctor's office, I could hardly keep my knees still. I really will never get used to doctors, I hate this place. This smell, the appearance of the doctor's office, the devices. Even if I have nothing to fear, my head races with bad thoughts.

What if my condition has deteriorated again or I still have to do an operation and and and. I was afraid again and could not master it.

A message.

Myles: Hey Flower, I know we wanted to meet at your house, but I can't wait until I see you, can you tell me where your doctor is so that I can pick you up ?

And again he managed to make blush me and make me forget my worries and fears, only through a message. I answered him and a short time later and was called to the treatment room.

"Hello Madellaine how are you ? Long time not seen." Doctor Taylor says.

"I'm doing very well at the moment." I answer simple

"I'm happy to hear that. So as I know you you wonder why you are here am I right ?"
I nodded. "It looks like this, we would like to take some blood from you to keep an eye on your values. The last examination was a while ago, so we just want to see how you and your heart are doing. You know if it pumps enough blood and whether it hits too fast or too slowly." She explained.

"I understand but do I have to do it ? I mean I have felt very good for several weeks and had hardly any complaints."

"This could be Madellaine true, but your illness is rather difficult. You don't see directly from the outside when your heart is not doing well. It may be that you feel totally healthy and fit, but it looks very different in your inside. Do you understand ?"

I nodded.

"Very good. Then please sit down on the chair in the back so that I can quickly take some blood from you."

I sat on the chair and rolled up my sleeve and shortly afterwards the shaking started again. God I hate taking blood.
Doctor Taylor saw my fear and put her hand on my arm to calm me down.

"I know you don't like it, but I have to do it, I'll be quick." She put the needle in my arm and took the blood. A little wincing came from me, but no crying or screaming like I used to do it as a child.

"The results should be available in a few weeks. We will call you when the findings are here." I nodded and thanked her and went out the door with my mother.

I quickly got my cell phone out and saw that Myles had written to me. "I'm waiting at the front door." I smiled at the message and told Mom. She said goodbye to me and went to her car.

"I'll be there in two minutes." I wrote to him and went to the toilet beforehand and refreshed myself a little.

I can't believe that this is my life right now. A boy I absolutely didn't liked, makes my heart beat faster as soon as I only hear his name. How did it took such turn ? I freshen up before I see him ? This boy really messes with my head.

I walked out of the practice and saw him leaning against his car. With his beautiful blue-grey eyes that make me melt.
He was dressed in black jeans and a dark blue shirt. His tattoos could be clearly seen on both his arms. The tattoos that went down to his fingers and up to his neck.

Damn shit, how can he look so good in the morning ? I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck. His arms went immediately around my waist and he gave me a light kiss on the top of my head.

"Hey flower, did you miss me that much ? He said and looked down at me.

"I'm just happy when I see you." I said smiling and looked into his eyes.

"Then we are already two." He said smirking. "Come on, let's go, we have a lot to do today." I smiled at him and sprinted into the passenger seat.

Remember when I said I wouldn't take so long for updating,
yeah I lied 😁
It wasn't on purpose I swear, but life is getting kinda crazy right now.

Anyway guys enjoy the chapter,
love u<3

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