❥ 30.

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After this intensive discussion, I am in the living room and clean a little bit up. Meanwhile, Myles is in the bathroom and wants to freshen himself up.

It is now noon and he must be hungry. He didn't eat anything since this morning, because he said the food in the hospital is disgusting, and I can only agree with him.

When I was in the hospital every day, I only prayed for the day until I was finally allowed to eat a pizza or a burger again. This drying bread and the little bowl of fruit don't fill you up, but hey I survived.

While I place the pillows on the couch again properly, the doorbell rings. "Flower can you open the door, I still need a little." I answer with a yes and went towards the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a pretty woman who was in her late fourtys. Her hair was dark brown and cut under the shoulders. Next to her was a girl who was about my age. She also had brown hair, but it was a little lighter. Both had these eyes that I have seen before. This sparkle in the eyes.

"Oh hello." The woman suddenly said, looking confused.

"Hi." I answered.

"Who are you ?" She asked me.

"I am a friend of Myles and who are you ?"

"Mama !" A deep voice says from behind me.

"Oh my baby, how are you ?"
She stepped in and hugged him

"What's up idiot, you look like shit." The girl says, also hugging him.

"Yeah yeah I know." He answered.

I feel somehow out of place right now.

Maybe if I don't move they don't notice that I'm here- "Mom, Christina I would like to introduce you to Madellaine." He said and brought his arm and waist.

Both got big eyes and smiled wide.

"Oh my goodness you are Madellaine." The woman says and hugged me. I hugged her back but was still totally confused.

"Mom don't push her please." Myles said.

"No no it's fine." I say back and smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just glad to see the girl my son has been talking about for months."

"Oh my god mom." Myles grabbed his forehead and was lost in embarrassment.

"Believe me darling, everytime he's calling me, he's talking about you non stop." She whispered to me.

"Mom ?!"

"Okay fine, I'll shut up... for now." Myles shakes his head of her answer. "For now, let's sit down." She says.


Myles mom is here since two hours and I already can say I love this woman. She is so kind and funny, but on the other side you can talk to her about serious stuff.  His sister on the other hand is a very direct person and is not scared to give her honest opinion on something, I can see now where Myles is having that from.

We ate breakfast together but Myles refused to eat something. He only ate a piece of a tomato, that's it. Me and his mom are yelling at him the whole time that he should eat proper food, but he's a stubborn ass. 

"Alright baby, I think it's time to go. Please call me if you need something or if your in pain or if-" his mom started.

"Mom I'm fine, I promise, besides Madellaine is here. I'm in good hands." He said winking at me.

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