❥ 16.

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His eyes wandered from my head to toe, his eyes screamed something, I just can't figure what, I've never seen such a look before.
I turned around, because I noticed how red my cheeks became out of nervousness.

He made me nervous and I can't say why in god name.

I turned so that I saw myself again in the mirror, but his eyes did not fall away from me, instead a small smile spread around his lips.

"You look stunning", he tells me in his deep voice, which could almost scare you, but there was something warm about it.

"Yeah right, I keep telling her that since she wears it, but she won't believe me", Isabelle said to my left. I gave her a dark look to signal her to keep her mouth shut.

Myles came closer behind me and said, "well then believe me when I tell you that you look gorgeous." He said with a big smile.

I just look in the mirror and our eyes meet, I have to get out of here, "I'll go change", I ran past Isabelle and tried to get into the changing cabin as quickly as possible so I could disappear from here. In vain, Myles was suddenly behind me.

"Why do you always run away from me ?" He said when he leaned against the door of the cabin that was across from mine.

"Who says I'm running away from you ?"

"Don't think I didn't see how you turned red."


I just looked down and couldn't say anything, I couldn't hide anything from him, he always finds out everything and he seems to know everything.

"Madellaine you look really incredible in this dress." 

God the way he says my name, he has to stop.

He came a few steps closer but so there is still enough space to get out if I want, cuz that's exactly what I'll do. His eyes went back to my body and I can feel again how I'm starting to blush.

"Can you stop with that ?" I asked.

"With what ?" He played dumb.

"With this look."

"Which look ?" He ask with his eyebrows raised.

Oh he wants to play dumb ? Okay let's play dumb.

I went closer to him and put my hand on his cheek, I felt him get tense. I looked at him deeply and said nothing.

"What are you doing ?" He asked confused.

"What do you mean ?" I asked, also playing dumb.

"That look", he answered and kept looking me in the eyes.

"Which look ?" I said with a smile and removed my hand from him.

I was about to open the door of the cabin when he grabbed my hand.

"So confident all of a sudden ?" He says with a smirk. He kept looking at me but his eyes fell on my hand that hid my scar over my heart.

His eyes were suddenly filled with something different; sad, pitiful, concerned.

He took my hand from my heart gently caressed it. A frenzy of butterflies encompassed my body.

"You are so beautiful, no matter what. I'm waiting outside while you change." He left and left me speechless.

I came out of the cabin and saw Myles standing next to Izzy while she looked at her cell phone. "Okay bring the dress to the checkout so we can pay for it."

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