❥ 9.

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We currently sitting in the car and my dad is about to explode from excitement.

We are at a red traffic light and he really yells at the traffic lights to switch to green faster.
The traffic light switches to green and he races off to the arena.

„Mady you don't know how happy I am that you are coming with me." I only give him a slight smile in the passenger seat.

„You probably think I'm going there for my sake, but actually I'm doing it for you."  For me ?
„I know that the last few years have not been easy for you and especially with the new diagnosis from doctor Taylor but I do not want you to give up hope, I want you to have fun in life and that's why I'm taking you with me today. I want to see this beautiful smile of yours when your happy. You make me really happy with that smile, that I haven't seen for so long Madellaine. I know your mom doesn't give you much freedom, but I want to give you as much freedom as possible, and please don't think I don't notice how you feeling in the inside. You don't talk much about your feelings, but I notice it honey.
Just try to come to me if you want to talk, you know I'm always there for you."

He left me speechless, my father has never told me that, I had no idea that he feels like that and has these thoughts. I didn't even knew that he would notice how I was really doing, I thought I was good at hiding my feelings.

Apparently not Madellaine...

„Thank you dad, I'll try my best for you."

„Not for me sweetie, for you. Make yourself happy at first",  he looks briefly at me from the driver's seat and gives me a smile.



The arena is huge.

I haven't seen so many people in a heap, for a long time. It has to be several thousand people.

I think you can see now that I don't really have a connection to the outside world.

I do not like to be in public, because I can't find myself beautiful. Do not get me wrong, I totally believe that everyone should accept themselves as they were born, but I have problems with it.

Since I have these scars, I haven't found myself beautiful. They make me ugly, disgusting and despicable.

I know it is not healthy to talk about yourself like this, but these are the things I have been told since my childhood.

"Look there is Madellaine with the ugly scar on her forehead."

"Omg! Did you saw that giant scar on her chest."

"She disgusts me."

"She's always so pale, she looks like a zombie hahahah."

My family kept telling me how beautiful I am and Isabelle also gives me compliments every day, it's just not the same.

Oddly enough, I believed only the compliments that were from Myle. I had the feeling that only the truth came out of his mouth when he complimented me. He was the only one who thought I was beautiful with my scars.

When I was little, his compliments helped me a lot, he has strengthened my self-confidence and with him I felt like the prettiest girl in the world. But after he left and I was alone in the hospital again, I only saw this disgusting, sick, unhappy girl in the mirror every day.
I was no longer the same person I was once with Myle.

The difference between the Madellaine that was with Myle and the Madellaine now is, that this Madellaine was once happy.

Anyway I guess this Collane and Ricky guy have to be a really big number since there are so many people here to see just two men boxing.
It's insane.

„Madellaine come over here." my dad said as he waved to me. He had already gone ahead when I was devoured in my mind.

The arena was filled to the last place, so many different people. Everyone was seemed so happy and excited, the mood in the arena was bursting with excitement. People only screamed the names of the boxers.

I heard how many Ricky shouted, but actually the whole arena shouted Collane. That surprised me a lot so I asked my dad if he was really that famous.

„Of course Madellaine, he is the best boxer in Seattle and is on his way to becoming world champion, I had told you that recently."

Oops that was probably when he screamed like crazy and I ran up, sorry daddy.

The lights started to come out slowly and only the ring in the front was visible. People shouted louder the names of the two boxers and started clapping.
A man with a suit came into the middle of the ring with a microphone. The people became quieter and listened to the man's voice.

„Ladies and gentlemen, I warmly welcome you all to the first fight in this season, in the Climate Pledge Arena. Today we see the first fight between two champions. One heavyweight master, RIIICKYYY TYSOOOON."

People faces were only written with excitement. They stood up from their seats and yelled for him.

"And the man, eveyone was waiting for today; „MYYLES COLLAAANE."

The whole arena jumped up from their seats and clapped loudly. You can only hear all the women shrine, "I LOVE YOU MYLES!!", "HAVE MY BABYS!",  "MARRY ME!"

What the-

Ricky was the first to come into the light of the ring. He came out of the left corner. He was tall but not that tall I would say 5'9. In any case, he had a very built body. A few tattoos covered his left arm and right leg. His hair, that was cut very short was blonde, a slightly darker blonde.

Myles came into the light from the right corner. He was clearly taller and wider than Ricky. His skin was swallowed by tattos. His two arms and hands, up to his fingers were covered in ink.
His entire upper body was veiled in different patterns. The tattoos went up to his neck. In black ink the neck was covered with a few colored details. He had dark brown, almost black, slightly locked hair that fell to his forehead.

I understand now why all women were screaming for him. Myles was definitely an attractive man, there's no why to deny it. 

Despite his good looks, these athletes have no idea about real life. They only have women and money in their minds anyway. I thinks this Collane guy is more like a playboy who has only one night stands every day and is champion in spending money on all these women.

„Please take your seats, it is now time for the fight you have all been waiting for."

Everyone was shouting and couldn't wait for the fight to begin. They took all their seats and waited for the fight.


Let's get ready for a headache...

I have the feeling that in the future many will complain about Madellaine for her negative and sarcastic nature. But that's her character. It is part of the story, and is an important part of it. That's why I ask you to continue reading the story and not to judge immediately. If you don't like the story, you do not have to read it any further, nobody is forced.
For those who want to continue reading, I try to make updates as quick as I can.
Love youu <3

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