❥ 28.

152 5 4

Needing you

My heart sank at the question I heard from Myles.

I was afraid that he had truly forgotten me. Our looks that we gave each other. Our Milkshake date. That he had forgotten us.


I answered him with a trembling voice,
"Myles what do you mean ? It's me, Madellaine." I say with tears slowly running down my cheeks. I looked him in the eyes, in the hope that he remembers me.

What the hell ? The doctor said he's just a little bruised and has a concussion. He never said that he won't remember me.

I swear to god I will kill this doctor with my bare hands when I see him.

I went closer to him and held his left hand with both of my hands and brought them closer to me.

"Please Myles remember me. You can't forget us, I'm begging you. " I say, tears now fully streaming down my cheeks.
"Please, I need you."

He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and a small smile on his lips. He brought his other hand to my cheek and caressed it, "Of course I remember you," he said. "I could never forget you flower."

I relived a big sigh even tho I felt like my heart would stop beating for a moment.
"Myles ?!" I said loud, jumping in his arms.

"Ow ow, be careful flower." He said groaning with a laugh, holding his side.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Are you okay ? Did I hurt you bad ?" I asked him checking his body, totally forgetting he is in pain.

"No, you didn't. Everything is fine." He answered looking at me as he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand making me melt into his touch.

Hold on, I'm supposed to be mad at him. He let me thought that he can't remember me. He really thinks it's funny to play with me like that. Asshole.

"What the hell Myles ?" I slapped his shoulder slightly. "Why would you pretend that you can't remember me you freaking asshole, I thought I lost you." I say angry, tears staring streaming down my face.

"Madellaine I'm so sorry I just wanted to make joke." He sat up but groaned, probably because he's still in pain.

"Lay down and stop moving, you gonna hurt yourself even more." I said and put my hand on his shoulder to signal him that he should lay down.

I went to the other side of the bed were the chair was and grabbed the water bottle and poured him a cup of water. I walked over again and felt his gaze the whole time on me.

"One day you'll pierce through me with your whole gazing." I said and gave him the cup as he chuckled.

He drank the whole cup and laid it beside him on the tray and became silent. I was sitting in the chair again next to him.

"Do you really need me ?" He suddenly said making my heart jump.

"What ?" I said, acting clueless. There's no way he heard that.

"I heard everything you said Madellaine. I even felt when you touched my hand. I also heard when you said that you love the way I smile at you. Every single word." He answered.

Fucking hell

"So back to my question, do you really need me ?" He looked me straight in eyes, and for the first time since we know each other, there's no smile on his face while looking at me. Just pure seriousness.

Just when I was about to say something, the doctor came in.

"Ahh Mr. Collane, I see you are awake earlier than we thought. How are you feeling ?" The doctor asked, doing something on the monitors.

"I feel good, just a little headache and feeling dizzy." Myles said looking at him.

"That's totally normal under your condition, it looked like you fell very hard on the ground with your head."

"I don't remember much. I just know that I got punched into my side and then felt dizzy and fell to the ground."

"Well you were very lucky, you lost a lot of blood but you are very lucky since your girlfriend brought you here as fast as she could." The doctor said and signed some papers.

"Ohh, I- I'm not his girlf-" I was about to say but Myles interrupted me.

"Yes, very lucky." Myles answered with a smirk looking at me, making me blush slightly.

"When can he go home doctor ?" I asked still sitting next to Myles.

"He will stay here until the next morning just to make sure everything is stable, but he needs someone to take care of him. After such a fall, the body can still be very weak, so it would be better for someone to keep an eye on him." The doctor explained.

Myles came closer to me a little and whispered, "I hope you are the one to keep an eye one me." He said and a smirk spreads on his face.

I rolled my eyes, he almost bleed to death and still manages to flirt with me.

"I'll do it doctor, I'll watch him." I said and saw from the corner of my eyes that Myles smiled to himself.

"Very well, I have to go now but I'll come back later."

He existed the door and I was now standing on the end of the bed looking straight at Myles and thought about what I said earlier.

I really need him.

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