❥ 38.

134 7 2

Love ? Love.

We were in the heat sand and watched the sunset. The waves rustled and brought a beautiful sound to my ears.

Myles was laying on the sand and I was laying with my head on his chest. His arm was around me and he held me tight.

I love this moment.

"Myles ?"

"Yes flower ?"

"I have to say that this was the most beautiful thing a boy has ever made for me." I said and looked at him big big eyes and a bigger smile.

"It's just a little thing flower." He answered all humble.

"No you don't understand, that means the world to me. Watching the sea in all its beauty. The water. The sunset. I'm speechless. And the fact that you still remember that I told you, that I love the sea, even though it was several weeks ago, leaves me even more speechless. Thank you Myles. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing me here."

I finished my sentence and he looked deep into my eyes and I saw happiness in his eyes. That happiness that we could have. The happy life we ​​could live.

I smiled at him and slowly tilted my head towards him and kissed him. A wave of butterflies flew around in my stomach. He kissed me back and pulled me to him. We were lost to each other. We enjoyed this moment, nothin mattered anymore. Neither his fight nor my illness. Everything was perfect.

He laid me on the sand and suddenly I was under him. I pulled his face towards mine to feel him closer. His hand moved from my waist to my chest, he undid the buttons in the middle of my dress. My overthinking couldn't even stop me. My whole body was more than enjoying this moment.

He opened the buttons and all that was visible was my bra. When he suddenly stopped kissing me I opened my eyes to see why he stopped. My scar. His eyes were fixated on the long scar that lay on my left breast, just above my heart. I suddenly felt insecure. I felt gross again. Not good enough, so I pulled my dress over the scar so he wouldn't see it anymore.

He didn't see it coming and looked at me with a pitying look. "Madellaine..." he started.

"No, don't say anything, I know. I know it's not pretty. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." I was just about to push him away when he suddenly kissed me and pressed me tightly against him. He let go of me and looked at me. The last rays of sun shone in his beautiful eyes and made this moment even more breathtaking.

"You're beautiful. No matter what scar you have. I don't care how much scars you have or how big they are. You are perfect inside and outside. You have to know that. And this-" he said, putting his hand right on the scar, my heart beating incredibly fast. I held my breath and my body was covered in goosebumps. "This is one of the most beautiful things about your body. And what's under that scar...god... I pray it will hopefully be mine one day."

Wait...does he mean...

"Your heart Madellaine. Your beautiful, precious heart. My heart already belongs to you. And I want you to keep it. I never want it back. It's already full of you." He leaned down to my chest and kissed the scar.
The goosebumps follow not even a second later.

"Myles-" I put my hand on his cheek. "I-", suddenly we were interrupted and the rain engulfed us. We laughed out loud and looked at each other. He leaned towards me and we kissed again. We didn't care that the wet sand got our clothes dirty or that the sand was in our hair. It was only us that mattered.

That was the most romantic moment I've ever experienced. I'm surprised my heart is still beating, because this day, this moment was definitely too much for my body. So much joy. So much happiness. So much passion. So much love...

Love ?


A small chapter again. Sorry y'all. And sorry for this late update. But I'm literally crying. Our Madellaine is finally revealing her feelings to herself. 😩😩😩
Now she just has to reveal is to Myles...

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