❥ 26.

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After a short drive we were in front of a building, it had two floors and from the outside you could read speed gym. Myles picked up my hand and I kinda backed up just because I wasn't expecting it. He noticed it and pulled his hand away and looked at me with big eyes. I realized that I had probably scared him off, so I grabbed his left hand and curled my hand into his. He smiled at me, I smiled back and we went inside the building. Arriving inside I was greeted with a lot of people.

A boxing ring in the middle and several machines and punching bags around it. Everything was dark because the room was completely black.

I would get so depressed if I trained here every day.

You are already depress- shut up.

As we were standing in the middle of the room a man came up to us and greeted Myles. Despite the greeting, he didn't even let go of my hand, on the contrary, as Myles hugged the man, he just squeezed my hand tighter like he was scared I was going to leave.

"It's so good to see you again man." The man said.

"I agree." Myles replied.

"I want you to meet someone." He suddenly said and put his hand around my waist, pushing me closer to him.

"This is Madellaine. Madellaine, that's my best friend Ethan."

Ethan held out his hand to greet me, I responded with a smile.

"Hey Madellaine, I'm glad to finally see you in person, Myles can't keep his mouth shut when he talks about you." He rolled his eyes.

I laughed but saw that Myles was feeling uncomfortable, more like embarrassed, cuz he got called out by Ethan. So Myles slammed his elbow into Ethan's arm.

"Oww ? Asshole." Ethan respond, rubbing his arm.

"I'm also glad to meet you in person. Myles also told me a lot about you." I said.

"As I know him, probably nothing good, right?" Ethan replied.

I laughed because of his answer. Before I could say anything more Myles pulled me to the front of the boxing ring.

"You ever saw a fight, being this close ?"
I respond with a no.

"Are you comfortable to see one ?" He asked me. I love how he always makes sure I'm feeling comfortable.

"Yes, let's watch them." I said back.

In the middle of the ring was a tall guy and in front of him was a little shorter one. They both hat their boxing gloves on and started fighting.

You cold only hear how the material of the gloves, slammed against each other. None of them punched the other one in the face nor the body. I looked at Myles who was very concentrating to watch.

Before I could look back at the scene in front of me I heard something. It was the taller guy who was laying on the floor, holding his face. I didn't saw what happened, but from which I can see right now, it looks like his nose is broken, the blood wouldn't stop streaming.

How are they doing this ? I mean it's just training and they almost kill each other.

"Myles?" I said, looking back at him.

He brought his attention straight towards me.

"Yes, flower ?"

"How is that, that you guys don't kill each other while training. I mean he just got one punch, and it just have been a hard one otherwise he wouldn't lay on the floor holding his nose. Isn't this a little too much for training ?" I asked him.

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